2006 Archives
Rogers’ widow cautions against narrowing fellowship
Posted: 6/13/06
Rogers' widow cautions
against narrowing fellowshipBy Jennifer Rash and Erin Tunnell
The Alabama Baptist
SBC Annual Meeting GREENSBORO, N.C.—Adrian Rogers’ widow captured unexpected attention at the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference by asserting her husband would not approve of narrowing parameters of fellowship in the Southern Baptist Convention.
06/13/2006 - By John Rutledge
Rick Warren calls pastors to imitate Christ
Posted: 6/13/06
Rick Warren calls pastors to imitate Christ
By Jennifer Rash, Grace Thornton & Erin Tunnell
The Alabama Baptist
SBC Annual Meeting GREENSBORO, N.C.—“People aren’t turned off to Jesus; they are just tired of people who don’t really follow him,” author and pastor Rick Warren told the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference.
06/13/2006 - By John Rutledge
Draper, Rankin address younger pastors meeting
Posted: 6/13/06
Draper, Rankin address younger pastors meeting
By Tony W. Cartledge
Biblical Recorder
SBC Annual Meeting GREENSBORO, N.C.—In a meeting that did not begin until after 10 p.m., about 175 Southern Baptists attending the Younger Leaders Summit II heard from one younger colleague and several older leaders who came to encourage them.
06/13/2006 - By John Rutledge
Around the State
Posted: 6/09/06
Around the State
• East Texas Baptist University will hold its 17th annual senior adult conference June 28-30. The theme of the conference, which attracts more than 1,000 people each year, is “Making a Difference.” Bailey Stone is the conference speaker. Bob Utley will lead the Bible study times. Bill and Catherine Cox will lead the music. A special track for senior adult leaders and professional staff has been added to this year’s program. The annual Reunion Celebration Concert June 30 will feature Sue Dodge, winner of four consecutive Dove awards. Bob and Jeannie Johnson also will perform. A senior adult matinee performance will be held at 3 p.m. and a concert open to the public will be held at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 each. The conference fee for participants staying on campus is $100 per person or $180 per couple, including lodging, meals and the concert. Commuters pay $5 per day, plus meals and concert ticket. For more information, call (903) 923-2070.
East Texas Baptist University President Bob Riley was all smiles prior to the groundbreaking ceremony fo the Louise H. and Joseph Z. Ornelas Unversity Center. The center will have a 900-seat banquet hall, as well as dining services and recreation area for students. It also will seat 1,400 for a conference-style meeting. The three-story, 92,000-square-foot facility will be built west of the Ornelas Spiritual Life Center at an estimated cost of $13 million. • Baylor University will host the Willow Creek Leadership Summit live via satellite Aug. 10-12. The training will feature leadership and communications experts Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church, author Jim Collins and James Meeks of Salem Baptist Church. While the national rate for the event is $255, a special discounted rate of $65 is available prior to July 14. For more information, call (254) 710-6274, or go to www.baylor.edu/summit2006.
• Special awards were presented to faculty and staff members at Howard Payne University’s faculty/staff recognition luncheon. Pam Bryant, assistant professor of chemistry and chair of the department of physical sciences, was named outstanding faculty member. Judy Kelley, payroll coordinator, was honored as the outstanding staff member of the year. Recognized upon their retirement were Paul Butler, professor of education; Virginia Butler, instructor of developmental studies; and Cathy Sneed, assistant professor of social work and chair of the department of criminal justice, social work and sociology. Excellence in teaching certificates were presented to Carla Hawkins, assistant professor of modern languages; Justin Murphy, professor of history; Evelyn Romig, professor of English; and Julie Welker, associate professor of communication. Staff members honored for excellence in service were Randy Weehunt, director of administrative computing, and Jeanette Copeland, secretary for the School of Christian Studies. Promotions announced included Pam Bryant and Monte Garrett to associate professor, and Kim Bryant and Diane Owens to assistant professor.
06/09/2006 - By John Rutledge
Church’s Art Car a rolling testimony to cooperation
Posted: 6/09/06
Everyone’s Art Car Parade in Houston featured a join effort by Willow Meadows Baptist Church youth and Katrina evacuees. Church’s Art Car a rolling
testimony to cooperationBy Karen Campbell
Union Baptist Association
HOUSTON—Take a late 1980s mud-racing Buick, add the exuberance of youth and the perspective of Hurricane Katrina evacuees, plus a little paint and creativity with a touch of faith-based hope, and an Art Car is born.
06/09/2006 - By John Rutledge
Book Reviews
Posted: 6/09/06
Book Reviews
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun (Intervarsity Press)
Many of us have negative thoughts about discipline of any kind. Yet Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, in Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, positively encourages Christians of various denominational backgrounds to tread the deeper waters of spiritual formation.
Calhoun’s book serves Texas Baptists well in two ways.
What are you reading that other Texas Baptists would find helpful? Send suggestions and reviews to books@baptiststandard.com. 06/09/2006 - By John Rutledge
Baptist Briefs
Posted: 6/09/06
Baptist Briefs
Craddock to speak at Truett luncheon. Fred Craddock—selected by Newsweek as one of the 12 most-effective preachers in the English-speaking world—will address Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary Luncheon. The luncheon will be at 11:45 a.m. June 22 in the Omni Hotel at CNN Center, Atlanta, Ga., during the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly. Cost is $35, and reservations are requested. Craddock is the Bandy Distinguished Professor of Preaching and New Testament Emeritus in the Candler School of Theology and director of the Craddock Center, a program serving Southern Appalachia. For more information, contact Kyle Reese at (904) 396-7745, kyle@habchurch.com or write to Truett Alumni Association, Attn.: Kyle Reese, c/o Hendrix Avenue Baptist Church, 4001 Hendrix Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32207.
GuideStone cancels Wellness Walk. A Wellness Walk/Run scheduled in conjunction with the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting in Greensboro, N.C., has been cancelled due to the distance between most convention hotels from the Greensboro Coliseum Complex. GuideStone Financial Service has sponsored the activity at SBC meetings the past three years and plans to resume it at the 2007 SBC in San Antonio, President O.S. Hawkins said.
06/09/2006 - By John Rutledge
BRINGING HOPE: Mentoring at-risk children
Posted: 6/09/06
Park Cities Baptist Church member Laura Hefner mentors fourth-grade student Azul at Dan D. Rogers Elementary School in Dallas. BRINGING HOPE:
Mentoring at-risk childrenBy Jenny Pope
Buckner Baptist Benevolences
DALLAS—Every Thursday morning during the school year, Lana Stanley of University Baptist Church in Arlington made the same trip down the brightly colored hallways of South Davis Elementary School.
06/09/2006 - By John Rutledge