2006 Archives
Twenty-two tons of sweet potatoes just one draw at Crossover Triad
Posted: 6/14/06
A resident of an upscale neighborhood west of Winston-Salem, N.C., discusses spiritual concerns with Katherine Morris, 18, (left) and Allison Wiggins, 16, members of a youth group from First Baptist Church in Marion, Ark. (BP photo by Bob Carey) Twenty-two tons of sweet potatoes
just one draw at Crossover TriadBy Mike Creswell
N.C. Baptist State Convention
GREENSBORO, N.C.—Baptists threw muscles and prayers into Crossover Triad during the weekend prior to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, using an international festival biker rally, rodeo, block parties, puppet shows and even sweet potatoes to get a hearing for the gospel.
06/17/2006 - By John Rutledge
New Orleans Seminary president thanks SBC for aiding recovery
Posted: 6/13/06
New Orleans Seminary president
thanks SBC for aiding recoveryBy John Pierce
Baptists Today
SBC Annual Meeting GREENSBORO, N.C.—“One moment in time can change everything,” New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary President Chuck Kelley said, reporting to the Southern Baptist Convention for the first time since Hurricane Katrina hit last year, forcing a campus evacuation and causing about $38 million damage to the seminary.
06/16/2006 - By John Rutledge