2006 Archives
Christian graphic novels illustrate timeless truth
Posted: 8/04/06
Christian graphic novels illustrate timeless truth
By Angela Best
Communications Intern
Robert Luedke loved reading comic books and drawing when he was growing up. A few years ago, he fell in love with Jesus. Now, Luedke is bringing the loves of his life together.
Luedke, president of Head Press Publishing and author of Eye Witness—A Fictional Tale of Absolute Truth and Eye Witness Book Two—Acts of the Spirit, is pioneering a new literary genre—the Christian-themed graphic novel, or illustrated Christian fiction.
Robert Luedke’s Eye Witness graphic novels present New Testament stories in a comic-style format.
08/04/2006 - By John Rutledge
Texas Baptist Forum
Posted: 8/04/06
Texas Baptist Forum
Best candidate available
Regarding the July 24 editorial …
Good word: Character.
Good idea: Call the best person available.
• Jump to online-only letters below Letters are welcomed. Send them to marvknox@baptiststandard.com; 250 words maximum. “This was the worst-case scenario. This was the hardest decision I ever made. The heinousness of a rape is a horrible thing. But I don’t think you should punish a child for the sins of the father.”Gene Herr
Pharmacist who was fired by a Denton drugstore after he refused to fill a rape victim's morning-after pill prescription.
(The Washington Post/RNS)“Churches have figured out what I have known all along—people are not giving because they don’t have money to give. When the collection plate goes by, they are thinking, ‘I know I should give, but then I can’t pay the light bill.’”Dave Ramsey
Christian financial adviser, on why many Christians do not give more generously to their churches (RNS)“People admire what we do, but they would prefer to worship at a Baptist church or a Presbyterian church or that megachurch that’s in their neighborhood. They’ll donate money to us and volunteer to help, but they don’t want to worship with us on Sunday mornings.”Maj. George Hood
Community relations officer for the Salvation Army, noting the organization is a church as well as a charity (Scripps Howard News Service/RNS)08/04/2006 - By John Rutledge
Computers may draw some men to Christianity
Posted: 8/04/06
Men fill the audience, as usual for a religious software training event, as trainer Morris Proctor demonstrates a Logos Bible Software program at a conference in Bellingham, Wash. (RNS photo courtesy of Logos Bible Software/Scott Lindsey) Computers may draw some men to Christianity
By G. Jeffrey MacDonald
Religion News Service
REDMOND, Wash. (RNS)—For more than a century, women have outnumbered men in the pews of America’s churches. For almost as long, concerned Christians have wondered where all the men went—and how to get them back.
Now some are seeing glimmers of hope coming from a most unlikely place—flickering computer screens.
08/04/2006 - By John Rutledge