2006 Archives
Texas Baptist Forum
Posted: 9/01/06
Texas Baptist Forum
Special in God’s sight
Thank you for your 2nd Opinion column on stem-cell research (Aug. 21). Please allow me to put a personal face on an aspect of that discussion.
Letters are welcomed. Send them to marvknox@baptiststandard.com; 250 words maximum. “While the Lord loves the Jewish people as he loves all people, the church is now the people of God. Events related to the modern state of Israel are not to be connected specifically with Revelation or other books of biblical prophecy.”
Jim Denison
Pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas and daily blogger (GodIssues.org)“The United States, a so-called Christian country, has a double standard. With one hand, it gives bombs to Israel, and with the other, it gives milk and flour to those affected by the bombs. Is this Christian? Forget Christian, is this human?”
Albert Isteero
Editor of the Arabic-language edition of The Upper Room daily devotional guide (United Methodist News Service/RNS)“The terrorists sent bombs and bullets. … Let’s respond with Bibles.”
Johnny Hunt
National spokesman for Muslim Bible Day, a project that distributes Bibles in Muslim countries. (www.muslimbibleday.org /RNS)“In terms of a religion, it’s not the religion that is the terrorist.”
Robert Mueller
FBI director, speaking about the arrest of an alleged Islamic terrorist cell in Miami. (Congressional Quarterly/RNS)My grandson was adopted as a frozen embryo by my son and daughter-in-law. Because another couple with leftover embryos viewed these “preborn babies” as special in God’s sight, they allowed them to be adopted. As a result, our grandson was born. He has made two trips to the White House in his short life, and hopefully he will be used of God powerfully in whatever he chooses to do.
Again, thank you for the article. May we always be challenged to take the moral high road, for in so doing, we will always be right. Misunderstood, probably; considered taking our standards from another world, hopefully; achieving the only recognition that will ultimately matter, assured.
09/01/2006 - By John Rutledge
Texas Tidbits
Posted: 9/01/06
Texas Tidbits
BGCT sponsors battle of bands. A battle of the bands will highlight Weekend Fest activities leading up to the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting in November. The event is scheduled Nov. 11 in the Dallas Convention Center. The next day, the convention will sponsor a festival at the convention center for families. The BGCT annual meeting begins Nov. 13 at the same location. Bands endorsed by a BGCT-affiliated church or institution are eligible to compete for recording time and opportunities to perform at the BGCT-sponsored Youth Evangelism Conference and Texas Baptist Youth and Singles Congreso in 2007. Band members must be between the ages of 13 and 24. For more information, call (888) 244-9400 or send an e-mail to bob@bgct.org. For information about the BGCT annual meeting and related events, visit www.bgct.org/annualmeeting.
Baptist fellowships send medical volunteers to Lebanon. A new Baptist medical disaster relief effort has sent a physician and a nurse to serve north of Beirut two weeks, treating refugees of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. They are the first two people to serve through the Baptist Medical Disaster Relief Ministry—a joint effort between the Baptist Nursing Fellowship, the Baptist Medical and Dental Fellowship and Texas Baptist Men. For information about how to serve through this ministry, call (214) 828-5359 or e-mail Shirley.Shofner@bgct.org.
09/01/2006 - By John Rutledge
TOGETHER: Make an eternal difference in a life
Posted: 9/01/06
Make an eternal difference in a lifeI recently attended a church where a new pastor was being received, and the deacon who prayed for the new pastor warmed my heart and caused me to rejoice that this new pastor would have people praying for him like that.
Prayer makes a difference, and Texas Baptists are now entering the time of year when we pray specifically for the missions needs of our state. The Week of Prayer for Texas Missions will be Sept. 10-17.
Executive Director
BGCT Executive Board
Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas already has spent the summer laying the groundwork for the missions needs in our state and beyond. Texas WMU launched a new ministry called “Awakening.” In several locations across Texas, WMU involved women and girls in times of awakening. More than 3,000 gathered to network, study, learn and pray. They have taken a huge step forward in their ability to help churches through awakening the prayers and mission passion of women.
Carolyn Porterfield, executive director of Texas WMU, has a heart for prayer that makes me anticipate so much the annual week of prayer. Our WMU leads the way in most of our churches in encouraging all of us to pray for the spiritual and physical needs of Texas and the world.
09/01/2006 - By John Rutledge