2006 Archives
Bill hinders suits over violations of church-state separation
Posted: 10/03/06
Bill hinders suits over violations
of church-state separationBy Robert Marus
ABP Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON (ABP)—After impassioned debate on the separation of church and state Sept. 26, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would make it harder to sue the government for violations of church-state separation.
House members voted 244-173 in favor of H.R. 2679, called by supporters the “Public Expression of Religion Act.” In cases involving the First Amendment’s establishment clause, the proposal would prevent federal courts from requiring government entities to reimburse the legal costs of the individual or group that sued the government agency—even though the agency was found in violation of the constitution.
10/03/2006 - By John Rutledge
Family practice residency teaches Christian service
Posted: 9/29/06
Family practice residency
teaches Christian serviceBy Elizabeth Staples
Communications Intern
HARLINGEN—Valley Baptist Medical Center’s family practice residency program not only provides medical training, but also teaches health care professionals how to help from the heart.
Bruce Leibert has been working in residency programs with his wife since they married 22 years ago.
10/02/2006 - By John Rutledge
Snapshots of piety in America
Posted: 9/29/06
Snapshots of piety in America
By Hannah Elliott
Associated Baptist Press
WACO (ABP)—Americans may not be losing their religion after all, according to a new Baylor University study on faith in the United States. The results of the recently released study by Baylor’s sociology department and Institute for Studies of Religion show, among other things:
See Related Articles:
• Snapshots of piety in America
• Americans hold four views of God, research shows
• View the entire Baylor University Religion Survey report as a pdf file here.• The majority of people not affiliated with any religion still believe in God, and one-third pray at least occasionally.
09/29/2006 - By John Rutledge
Navy chaplain convicted for protest
Posted: 9/29/06
Navy chaplain convicted for protest
By Robert Marus
Associated Baptist Press
NORFOLK, Va. (ABP)—A Navy chaplain who has accused his superiors of violating his religious freedom has been convicted by a court-martial for appearing in uniform at a rally to protest military policy on chaplains.
A military jury in Norfolk, Va., recommended that Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt be docked $250 a month in pay for the next year and sent a letter of reprimand. The panel convicted him of violating a superior officer’s orders by wearing his uniform at a March 30 press event in front of the White House.
09/29/2006 - By John Rutledge
Thailand coup’s impact uncertain
Posted: 9/29/06
Thailand coup's impact uncertain
By Ken Camp
Managing Editor
Representatives from three Baptist agencies declined to speculate what long-range impact a coup in Thailand could have on missions in the region, but they confirmed the safety of all field personnel in the country.
Spokesmen for the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions and American Baptist Churches International Ministries reported all their workers in Thailand had been contacted and were safe as of Sept. 20.
09/29/2006 - By John Rutledge
Committee approves amendment requiring more financial disclosure
Posted: 9/29/06
Committee approves amendment
requiring more financial disclosureBy Robert Marus & Hannah Elliott
Associated Baptist Press
NASHVILLE (ABP)—The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee approved an amendment to governing documents that urges SBC leaders toward greater financial responsibility. Southern Baptist messengers will hear the recommendation at the June 2007 annual meeting in San Antonio.
09/29/2006 - By John Rutledge
Father of 19—14 by adoption—speaks with authority
Posted: 9/29/06
Pat Williams, senior vice president of the Orlando Magic NBA team, gathers with his extended international family for a Christmas photo. Fourteen of his 19 children are adopted. Father of 19—14 by adoption—speaks with authority
By Ken Camp
Managing Editor
When Pat Williams discusses fatherhood, he speaks with the authority experience brings. Williams, senior vice president of the Orlando Magic National Basketball Association team, has 19 children—14 of them adopted.
All 19, who range in age from 21 to 34, are grown and out of their parents’ house now. But Williams insists a father never stops being a father.
09/29/2006 - By John Rutledge
Cottagemates reunited at TBCH Reunion after 40 years
Posted: 9/29/06
Neal Green (center) holds a picture taken when he was in the third grade as a resident of Texas Baptist Children's Home. He was reunited with his best friends and cottage family (left to right) Butch Duty, Dan Kinney and Doug Zanders, after 40 years of separation during the 2006 TBCH Alumni Reunion. Cottagemates reunited at
TBCH Reunion after 40 yearsBy Miranda Bradley
Children At Heart Foundation
ROUND ROCK—Clutching an old black-and-white photograph securely tucked in a plastic zipper bag, Neal Green got out of his car and set foot on the Texas Baptist Children’s Home grounds for the first time in more than 40 years.
09/29/2006 - By John Rutledge
Focus on missions involvement highlights student event
Posted: 9/29/06
Focus on missions involvement highlights student event
By John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
ARLINGTON—More than 2,500 college students traveled across Texas to learn how they could make a difference on their campuses this year in the name of Christ—and many of them started by making a difference in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
More than 1,000 participants in Focus, a Baptist General Convention of Texas-sponsored event for college students, worked to repaint church walls, minister to children and meet physical needs of people in the area.
Amy Swainson (front) and Sacha Towery from Monument Baptist Church paint the walls of a church that meets in an Arlington apartment complex. The project was part of Focus, a BGCT-sponsored event for college students. (Photo by John Hall/BGCT) 09/29/2006 - By John Rutledge