2006 Archives
Book Reviews
Posted: 10/27/06
Book Reviews
To Own a Dragon: Reflections on Growing Up Without a Father by Donald Miller & John MacMurray (NavPress)
It’s always fun to read a Don Miller book, and his latest is no exception. This time, the best-selling Blue Like Jazz author and college speaker teams up with his spiritual mentor, the international nature photographer John MacMurray.
Miller writes in his humorous and transparent style, poetically relating many of the experiences and lessons he missed growing up without an earthly father’s presence and training in life skills. While living with MacMurray’s family, Miller’s friend passed on spiritual insights that shaped his views of God and what it means to be a father.
What are you reading that other Texas Baptists would find helpful? Send suggestions and reviews to books@baptiststandard.com. Having lost my father, Reggie, to cancer earlier this year, my grief is fresh, and I wasn’t sure how the book would affect me. However, while reading, I developed an even deeper appreciation for the godly influence of my dad, also being grateful that God is my ever-present, ever-loving and perfect Father.
10/26/2006 - By John Rutledge
Baptist Briefs
Posted: 10/27/06
Baptist Briefs
Benefactors pledge $16 million to seminary. Harold and Dottie Riley of Austin have pledged $16 million for a campaign to build a 3,500-seat chapel on the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary campus. Presently, the largest auditorium on campus at the 3,000-student school is the 1,100-seat Truett Auditorium. Since coming to Southwestern as president in 2003, Paige Patterson has made building a new chapel one of his priorities. Two years ago, trustees authorized architects to draw up plans, and a site west of the Smith Center for Leadership Development was selected. Patterson has said no ground will be broken until all funds for the chapel have been committed.
National WMU re-elects Texan as officer. Kathy Hillman of Waco and Kaye Miller of Little Rock, Ark., were elected to serve another year as national officers of Woman’s Missionary Union recently at LifeWay Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina. About 750 members were present at WMU’s 118th annual meeting to re-elect Miller to a second term as president and Hillman to a third term as recording secretary, both by unanimous vote.
10/26/2006 - By John Rutledge
EDITORIAL: Oh, that we would debate gross or net
Posted: 10/13/06
Oh, that we would debate gross or netHere’s a debate I’d like to hear out of more mouths: Should Christians tithe on the gross or net amount of their salary?
Of course, you might say, “That argument is as stupid and useless as arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.” Somebody else might proclaim: “How legalistic can you get? This is a dumb and pharisaical debate.”
Dumb debate? I’ll take it. If more Baptists—and other Christians, for that matter—were debating whether they should calculate their tithe on their full salary or on their take-home pay, how much more money would flow into our churches and channel into missions and ministry for the glory of God?
Here’s an answer from researchers John and Sylvia Ronsvalle, whose empty tomb research firm studies church giving patterns on a national level: If U.S. Christians would increase their church giving to a tithe, or 10 percent of income (even they didn’t specify gross or net), the following would happen:
10/16/2006 - By John Rutledge
Bankrupt believers may tithe
Posted: 10/13/06
Bankrupt believers may tithe
By Jason Kane
Religion News Service
WASHINGTON (RNS)—America’s charitable but bankrupt worshippers once again will be able to tithe if Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, have their way.
“For millions of Americans, charitable giving and tithing is an essential part of their lives,” Obama said. “And in a country where 37 million citizens live in poverty, we should be encouraging charitable giving, not limiting it.”
10/16/2006 - By John Rutledge