2006 Archives
Wellness: Weight training for a balanced workout
Posted: 10/30/06
Wellness: Weight training for a balanced workout
By Tamara Quintana
Do barbells and weight machines make you think of Mr. Universe? Don’t let these visions scare you from the great benefits of weight training, or strength training.
While aerobic exercise is important to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, develop endurance and burn calories, your physical fitness routine just isn’t complete if you don’t balance aerobics with a good weight training program.
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• Fit or fat? Covered-dish dinners take toll on Baptists’ health
• Baylor among most physically fit schools
• Wellness: Weight training for a balanced workout
• Wellness: Stretch it out!
• Wellness: On the go
• Wellness: Nutrition facts
• Wellness: Dental healthtBenefits
10/30/2006 - By John Rutledge
Wellness: Stretch it out!
Posted: 10/30/06
Wellness: Stretch it out!
By Tamara Quintana
You’ve listened to your doctor, you’ve read all the articles, and now you’ve made the commitment to make exercise a regular part of your life. Great! Your well-rounded exercise plan includes both aerobic exercise to improve your cardiovascular endurance and weight training to build strength. But are you missing something?
If stretching isn’t a part of your routine, you’re missing out on an important element. Stretching, also known as flexibility training, provides benefits such as:
See Related Article:
• Fit or fat? Covered-dish dinners take toll on Baptists’ health
• Baylor among most physically fit schools
• Wellness: Weight training for a balanced workout
• Wellness: Stretch it out!
• Wellness: On the go
• Wellness: Nutrition facts
• Wellness: Dental healthtIncreasing your flexibility.
10/30/2006 - By John Rutledge
Wellness: On the go
Posted: 10/30/06
Wellness: On the go
By Tamara Quintana
Let’s face it. Most of us live our lives always “on the go.” But we still need to take the time to be healthy. I recently shared this “on the go” wellness information with our marketing staff who accumulate thousands of frequent flyer miles each year.
Eating on the go often means making poor food choices. To make better choices, keep these things in mind:
See Related Article:
• Fit or fat? Covered-dish dinners take toll on Baptists’ health
• Baylor among most physically fit schools
• Wellness: Weight training for a balanced workout
• Wellness: Stretch it out!
• Wellness: On the go
• Wellness: Nutrition facts
• Wellness: Dental healtht10/30/2006 - By John Rutledge
Wellness: Nutrition facts
Posted: 10/30/06
Wellness: Nutrition facts
By Tamara Quintana
If you’re trying to plan healthy meals and snacks for yourself and your family, you already have all the information you need. Since 1994, The Food and Drug Administration has required “Nutrition Facts” labels to be placed on most food packaging.
At first glance the label might look confusing, but it is a great resource when trying to make healthy food choices.
Serving size and servings per container
10/30/2006 - By John Rutledge
Wellness: Dental health
Posted: 10/30/06
Wellness: Dental health
By Tamara Quintana
We all know that the foods we eat affect our overall health, but do you consider the health of your teeth when you make food choices?
According to the American Dental Association, there is a growing concern among America’s dentists that many of their patients are consuming record numbers of sugar-filled drinks and non-nutritious snack foods that can harm teeth.
When you eat these types of foods, and even some foods that are otherwise healthy for your body, the bacteria in your mouth come in contact with sugars and starches and produce acids. If left in the mouth, these acids attack the teeth and destroy the enamel, eventually resulting in tooth decay.
See Related Article:
• Fit or fat? Covered-dish dinners take toll on Baptists’ health
• Baylor among most physically fit schools
• Wellness: Weight training for a balanced workout
• Wellness: Stretch it out!
• Wellness: On the go
• Wellness: Nutrition facts
• Wellness: Dental healtht10/30/2006 - By John Rutledge
Former White House insider urges Christian political âfastâ
Posted: 10/27/06
Former White House insider urges Christian political âfast'
By Robert Marus
ABP Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON (ABP)—A tell-all book by a former White House insider is roiling the conservative movement with its charge that top officials in President Bush’s administration have been pandering to Christian conservatives for their votes while delivering little of lasting value to the constituency.
But David Kuo’s memoir of his years in the White House and elsewhere in the conservative movement is also notable for its afterward. In it, the author—who has impeccable Religious Right credentials—calls on all Christians, conservative and otherwise, to take a two-year “fast” from political activity to re-focus on the gospel.
10/27/2006 - By John Rutledge
Seminary delays endowment transfer
Posted: 10/27/06
Seminary delays endowment transfer
By Robert Marus
Associated Baptist Press
FORT WORTH—Trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary delayed action on a recommendation to transfer $90 million in seminary endowment funds from the Baptist Foundation of Texas to Southwestern’s in-house foundation.
10/27/2006 - By John Rutledge
Dell volunteers staff festival for children & families in need
Posted: 10/27/06
Dell volunteers staff festival for
children & families in needBy Miranda Bradley
Children at Heart Foundation
ROUND ROCK—More than 200 Dell employees pitched in to sponsor the third annual Dell Fall Festival for children and families served by Texas Baptist Children’s Home and STARRY.
10/27/2006 - By John Rutledge
Second-generation UMHB student from Zimbabwe makes mark
Posted: 10/27/06
Tatenda Tavaziva of Zimbabwe, a second-generation University of Mary-Hardin Baylor student, proudly waves a UMHB flag from the sidelines at Crusaders football games. Second-generation UMHB student
from Zimbabwe makes markBy Jennifer Sicking
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
BELTON—Spectators at University of Mary Hardin-Baylor football games have a hard time not noticing Tatenda Tavaziva on the sidelines, decked out in a gaudy purple-and-gold outfit and sporting a flag of Zimbabwe on his back.
10/27/2006 - By John Rutledge
Mexico trips spark desire to meet needs immediately
Posted: 10/27/06
A vision tour visits a mission in the Huastecan field, where Matamoros border leaders went on a mission trip this summer. Mexico trips spark desire
to meet needs immediatelyBy John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
LOS MOCHIS, Mexico—Texas Baptist leaders are finding it too difficult to see ministry opportunities in Mexico without starting to meet them.
10/27/2006 - By John Rutledge