2006 Archives
Pentecostals and charismatics reshaping Christianity globally
Posted: 11/03/06
Pentecostals and charismatics
reshaping Christianity globallyBy Hannah Elliott
Associated Baptist Press
LOS ANGELES (ABP)—Groundbreaking international research on Pentecostal and charismatic Christians shows growth in their numbers—and socio-political influence—around the globe.
The 10-nation study, sponsored by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, also found one of the hallmarks of Pentecostalism—speaking in tongues—less prevalent than some might suppose.
"These folks are as engaged as they come. These folks not only talk the talk, they walk the walk, if these results are to be believed. There are more recent converts among Pentecostal churches than among other churches." 11/03/2006 - By John Rutledge
Southern Gospel hymn sings still draw the faithful
Posted: 11/03/06
Allegra Thomas of Concord, Ohio, gets enthusiastic about Southern Gospel music at a recent hymn sing in Perry, Ohio. (RNS photo courtesy of Thomas Ondrey/The Plain Dealer of Cleveland) Southern Gospel hymn sings still draw the faithful
By David Briggs
Religion News Service
CANTON, Ohio (RNS)—Visions of heaven dance in their heads as hundreds of people clap their hands, slap their knees and tap their toes on the concrete floor of the Ronald Howard Gospel Music Center.
11/03/2006 - By John Rutledge
No Longer Suffering in Silence
Posted: 11/03/06
Cawindy Spead escaped two abusive relationships and found refuge with daughter Alexis at Buckner Family Pathways. (Photos by Jenny Pope/Buckner) No Longer Suffering in Silence
By Jenny Pope
Buckner Benevolences
One American woman in four is abused by a loved one—physically, sexually, verbally or emotionally.
It’s an epidemic widely misunderstood to only affect the poor and uneducated, but abuse affects all communities, regardless of economic status, race, religion or educational background.
11/03/2006 - By John Rutledge
Texas Tidbits
Posted: 11/03/06
Texas Tidbits
BaptistWay publisher named. The Baptist General Convention of Texas has named Ross West publisher of BaptistWay Press, effective Nov. 15. West has been involved in writing and publishing more than 30 years. He has been one of the leaders of BaptistWay Press since its inception, helping develop more than 80 books for the publisher and guiding the group’s production and marketing efforts on a contract basis. He will continue this work as a full-time BGCT staff member. He served 12 years with the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board. He also has worked as the director of creative services for the Boy Scouts of America. West earned a doctor of ministry degree in biblical studies from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and a master of divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. His undergraduate degree is from Louisiana Tech University.
Baptist Health Foundation grants scholarships. Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio has awarded 335 scholarships in 2006 totaling $573,788 in grants to students pursuing careers in health care at eight San Antonio-area schools. The foundation’s scholarship committee granted $466,288 to the Baptist Health System School of Health Professions; $50,000 to Wayland Baptist University-San Antonio Campus; $32,500 to the University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio; $7,500 each to Our Lady of the Lake University and University of the Incarnate Word; $5,000 to St. Philip’s College; and $2,500 each to San Antonio College and University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio Public Health Program.
11/03/2006 - By John Rutledge
TOGETHER: âWe will touch the world from Texasâ
Posted: 11/03/06
‘We will touch the world from Texas’There are days in your life that are sad and painful. Tuesday, Oct. 31, was such a day for many of us as we heard the results of our investigation of church starting efforts in the Rio Grande Valley. But despite the sadness and pain, there is room for clear-eyed hope.
The investigators found that there had been mismanagement on the part of a few of our staff and misuse and misappropriation of church starting funds on the part of a few pastors.
Executive Director
BGCT Executive Board
After the report was given to the board, I expressed my deep sorrow over what happened. I regret that I did not force this issue to resolution much earlier. I apologize to every person in the Valley whose cautions, questions and frustrations were neither fully heeded nor resolved.
Now that we understand clearly what happened in our recent past, what will be done?
11/03/2006 - By John Rutledge
From the investigatorsâ report â¦
Posted: 11/03/06
From the investigators’ report …
• Investigators Diane Dillard and Michael Rodriguez, said Otto Arango told them “he made a lot of money promoting his vision of planting churches and that this created jealousy among some of the Valley pastors.”
p. 5
• “It became clear during the investigation that some of the information provided by the BGCT was unreliable. Some documents, such as new-church monthly reports, were found to be fabricated.”
pp. 9-10
The full report is available here as a pdf document. See related articles:
• Evidence found of misuse of Valley funds (updated)
• Investigation team outlines preventative steps
• Brief excerpts from the report
• Otto Arango's earnings claims disputed by directors of missions
• BGCT faces challenges leaders say
• EDITORIAL: Executive Board must rise to the occasion• Charles Wade has posted a response to the report here.
11/03/2006 - By John Rutledge
Stereotypes of religious voters donât fit
Posted: 11/03/06
(RNS photo courtesy of Texas Attorney General’s office) Stereotypes of religious voters don’t fit
By Hannah Elliott
Associated Baptist Press
WACO (ABP)—Stereotypical images of “liberals” and “evangelicals” create a distorted picture of what issues are important to each group and how each will vote in the 2006 elections, new research shows.
11/03/2006 - By John Rutledge