2006 Archives
Family care eases a little of single mothersâ stress
Posted: 11/10/06
Family care eases a little of single mothers’ stress
By Miranda Bradley
Children at Heart Ministries
ROUND ROCK—More than volleyballs were served in the gym at First Baptist Church of Round Rock recently.
Single mothers involved in the Texas Baptist Children’s Home family care program enjoyed baked potato soup, salad and homemade cookies prepared by a professional chef in the church’s new First Life Center—a far cry from their typical Monday-night meal of ham-and-cheese sandwiches.
Professional chef Theresa Twyeffort (foreground) is assisted by her friend Lea Wilder as they prepare a meal for moms in Texas Baptist Children’s Home's family care program. 11/10/2006 - By John Rutledge
CityReach/Lift Up America alliance feeds hungry families
Posted: 11/10/06
FC Dallas soccer players help distribute corporate donations through BGCT City Reach partnership with Lift Up America to help provide food and resources for needy people. CityReach/Lift Up America
alliance feeds hungry familiesBy Barbara Bedrick
Texas Baptist Communications
FRISCO—Waiting in a long line failed to faze Joe Patterson, pastor of Greater New Zion Baptist Church in Dallas. He knew he would soon receive more than 1,000 pounds of chicken as part of the Baptist General Convention of Texas City Reach 2006.
Visiting with other Baptist pastors and FC Dallas soccer team players fresh from the playoffs, Patterson was pleased to participate in the BGCT City Reach Lift Up America alliance to help others.
11/10/2006 - By John Rutledge
Moms fed up with sexpot dolls
Posted: 11/10/06
Moms fed up with sexpot dolls
By Hannah Elliott
Associated Baptist Press
DALLAS (ABP)—American mothers are fed up with overly sexy dolls, according to a recent report from Synovate, a market-research firm.
The study, which surveyed 1,010 mothers with daughters 4 to 9 years old, found 85 percent of mothers are “tired of the sexpot dolls and characters” in stores. Nine out of 10 moms in the study said they wish young girls walking the toy-store aisles could find more positive role models on sale.
11/10/2006 - By John Rutledge
EDITORIAL: Go Away, Walk Away & the big picture
Posted: 11/10/06
Go Away, Walk Away & the big pictureMany Texas Baptists have responded to the church starting scandal in the Rio Grande Valley in either of two ways. Some just want it to go away. Others think they might just walk away.
The Go Away and the Walk Away positions are understandable. But they’re too narrow and will not lead the Baptist General Convention of Texas where God wants us to go.
Most people can relate to the folks who want this problem to just Go Away. Many Christians instinctively turn away from scandal and shy away from conflict. They realize scandal and conflict divert unbelievers from Christ, dissipate the enthusiasm of immature Christians and even discourage mature Christians. So, they believe the best plan is to pretend these difficulties don’t exist, or, failing that, to quit talking about them as quickly as possible. Several inherent weaknesses accompany this approach:
• Just because you won’t name it doesn’t mean it’s not there. This is the “elephant in the room” syndrome. Relationships strain and integrity frays when people in a community—family, church or convention—ignore the obvious. As a family grows increasingly sick and dysfunctional because nobody will talk about Uncle John’s alchoholism, a convention will decline if it ignores a moral problem, such as deception and waste of missions money.
11/10/2006 - By John Rutledge
Young filmmaker issues casting call
Posted: 11/10/06
Young filmmaker issues casting call
By George Henson
Staff Writer
BROWNWOOD—Always wanted to see your face on the silver screen but probably won’t make it to Hollywood?
If a casting call in Brownwood seems more within your travel budget, a Howard Payne University student has a project that might be worth consideration.
Brandon Powell 11/10/2006 - By John Rutledge
Evangelicals distance themselves from Haggard scandal
Posted: 11/10/06
Evangelicals distance
themselves from Haggard scandalBy Adelle Banks
Religion News Service
WASHINGTON (RNS)—As Ted Haggard expressed sorrow for being a “deceiver and a liar,” leaders of the National Association of Evangelicals distanced their organization from the man who led it three years.
“Most people—I’m not sure everyone—separate this tragedy from NAE. They consider it a tragedy of a man, a pastor and not an NAE scandal. That’s the good news,” said Richard Cizik, vice president for governmental relations of the Washington-based association.
Ted Haggard 11/10/2006 - By John Rutledge
Inner-city Houston churches seek community transformation
Posted: 11/10/06
Pastor Elmo Johnson of Rose of Sharon Baptist Church in Houston secured partnerships with Texas Southern University and Rice University to provide tutors for these students. Inner-city Houston churches
seek community transformationBy Barbara Bedrick
Texas Baptist Communications
HOUSTON—Some people view Elmo Johnson as a mover and a shaker—an entrepreneur for God who is leading his church to transform lives for God in the inner city.
Johnson, a former Houston Baptist University baseball player, is pastor of Rose of Sharon Baptist Church. He sees himself as a faithful member of God’s team, and he faces far more pressure on this playing field than on any baseball diamond where he competed, because now he’s competing for lives.
See a slideshow of Johnson's ministry here. 11/10/2006 - By John Rutledge
Islamic groups denounce Baptistâs âtakeoverâ remark
Posted: 11/10/06
Islamic groups denounce
Baptist’s ‘takeover’ remarkBy Robert Marus
Associated Baptist Press
CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. (ABP)—Leaders from a prominent American Muslim group have denounced reported comments by the Missouri Baptist Convention’s executive director claiming “Islam has a strategic plan” to take over the United States.
Ibrahim Hooper, communications director for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, said David Clippard’s assertions “are too bizarre to even comment on.”
David Clippard Ibrahim Hooper 11/10/2006 - By John Rutledge
Mentally challenged minister through Meals on Wheels
Posted: 11/10/06
Mentally challenged minister
through Meals on WheelsBy Craig Bird
Baptist Child & Family Services
TYLER—Senior adults in the Tyler area recognize residents of Breckenridge Village—a Baptist Child & Family Services facility for mentally handicapped adults—as more than recipients of ministry. They know them as welcome visitors who deliver Meals on Wheels to their homes.
“Many people think of our residents as people who only receive care, but the concept behind Breckenridge Village is to provide the opportunity for them to live as full a life as possible,” Executive Director Charles Dodson said. “That includes having the opportunity to be servants, to do things to help others.”
A Breckenbridge Village resident delivers a meal to a senior adult in Tyler. (Photo by Craig Bird) 11/10/2006 - By John Rutledge