2006 Archives
Missions network participants rally in Arlington
Updated: 11/21/06
Missions network participants rally in Arlington
By Barbara Bedrick
Texas Baptist Communications
ARLINGTON—Seven Texas Baptist churches sponsored a statewide missions rally Nov. 12 to champion a movement toward local-church mission work.
“Missions is messy,” said Dennis Wiles, pastor of First Baptist Church in Arlington. “It’s like a plate of food at a family reunion, but it’s as community-minded as Starbucks.”
Dennis Wiles, pastor of First Baptist Church in Arlington, leads a statewide missions celebration. 11/21/2006 - By John Rutledge
Fire destroys encampment auditorium
Updated: 11/21/06
Fire destroys encampment auditorium
By John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
SPICEWOOD—Fire destroyed the auditorium at the Highland Lakes Camp and Conference Center Nov. 18.
The fire devastated the building, twisting steel beams, imploding chairs and burning the stage. Its cause still is under investigation.
All that's left of the auditorium at Highland Lakes conference center. 11/21/2006 - By John Rutledge
Court hears arguments on partial-birth abortion ban cases
Posted: 11/21/06
Court hears arguments on
partial-birth abortion ban casesBy Robert Marus
ABP Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON (ABP)—The man who may cast the deciding vote in the Supreme Court’s first major abortion cases in six years tipped his hand little during oral arguments Nov. 8.
Justice Anthony Kennedy asked a series of highly technical questions of attorneys for each side in the two related cases, Gonzales v. Carhart and Gonzales v. Planned Parenthood. Calmly and methodically, he inquired about the medical and legal specifics of a subject that has provoked heated political and social debate in recent years—a procedure opponents label “partial-birth abortion.”
11/21/2006 - By John Rutledge
Executive director committed to âclean up the messâ
Posted: 11/17/06
Executive director committed to ‘clean up the mess’
By Teresa Young
Wayland Baptist University
DALLAS—Drawing inspiration from the story of Jesus’ baptism and subsequent time of temptation, Charles Wade, executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board, urged Texas Baptists to listen to God’s voice and discern his will for churches and individuals.
Wade acknowledged failures at some points—particularly addressing the scandal regarding misused church starting funds in the Rio Grande Valley.
Executive Director Charles Wade brings a report to the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting. (Photo by Eric Guel) 11/17/2006 - By John Rutledge
Texas WMU reschedules annual meeting
Posted: 11/17/06
Texas WMU reschedules annual meeting
By Barbara Bedrick
Texas Baptist Communications
DALLAS—Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas’ board of directors voted to move the organization’s 2008 annual meeting to April instead of its traditional date scheduled in conjunction with the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting.
Board members said the move will enable WMU of Texas to better emphasize its role in missions. The organization has had a one-day meeting before the BGCT annual meeting. In 2008, a two-day meeting will enable WMU of Texas to communicate more effectively what it is doing, proponents argue.
Woman prays during the Woman's Missionary Union meeting. 11/17/2006 - By John Rutledge
Unity emphazised at Texas Baptist Hispanic Fellowship rally
Posted: 11/17/06
Unity emphazised at Texas
Baptist Hispanic Fellowship rallyBy Craig Bird
Baptist Child & Family Services
DALLAS—There is one reason to think Christians can successfully obey Jesus’ command to “be brought to complete unity,” Robert Rodriguez reminded the annual Texas Baptist Hispanic Fellowship rally at Cockrell Hill Baptist Church in Dallas.
“Unity doesn’t begin with us, and it is not the result of external efforts,” said Rodriguez, pastor of Primera Iglesia Bautista in Harlingen.
Those attending the Hispanic Fellowship meeting worship at Cockrell Hill Baptist Church in Dallas. 11/17/2006 - By John Rutledge
Ministry awards presented to Texas Baptist innovators
Posted: 11/17/06
Baylor University President John Lilley (left) and Paul Powell (right), dean of Baylor’s Truett Seminary, presentsTexas Baptist Ministry Awards on behalf of the seminary and the Baptist Standard to Shirley Madden, founder of My Father’s House, Lubbock; Dick Maples, former associate executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas; and Jimmy Dorrell, executive director of Mission Waco. (Photo by Robert Rogers/Baylor University) Ministry awards presented
to Texas Baptist innovatorsBy Marv Knox
DALLAS—Three innovators received the 2006 Texas Baptist Ministry Awards during the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting in Dallas Nov. 13.
Dick Maples accepted the W. Winfred Moore Award for lifetime ministry achievement. Jimmy Dorrell took the George W. Truett Award for ministerial excellence. And Shirley Madden received the Marie Mathis Award for lay ministry.
11/17/2006 - By John Rutledge