Baptist Briefs

Posted: 1/06/06

Baptist Briefs

Adams unanimous choice for Illinois Baptist directorship. Illinois native and Southern Baptist missions leader Nate Adams was a search committee's unanimous choice to become the Illinois Baptist State Association's next executive director. The committee will present Adams to the Illinois Baptist executive board at a special called meeting this month. Adams has served the past eight years as vice president of mission mobilization for the North American Mission Board. Prior to joining the mission board, Adams served as corporate vice president of publishing for Christianity Today in Carol Stream, Ill. He has been a bivocational church planter and youth minister in Illinois and interim pastor in Georgia. He has an undergraduate degree in communication from Judson College in Elgin, Ill., and a master's degree in management and human resources from National-Louis University in Evanston. Adams and his wife, Beth, have three sons, Caleb, 17; Noah, 15; and Ethan, 12.

Baptist Health Foundation awards scholarships. Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio and the former Baptist Health Services Foundation awarded 338 scholarships in 2005 to students at the BHS School of Health Professions. The scholarships totaling $378,744 benefited students enrolled in the school's nursing and allied health educational programs. They were financed through the foundation's unrestricted funds and various donor-restricted funds.

Cooperative Program giving down in 2005. Contributions through the Southern Baptist Convention Cooperative Program totaled $45.4 million in 2005, down 1.8 percent from 2004 receipts, the SBC Executive Committee reported. The total is 95.7 percent of the 2005 budget. Designated gifts in 2005–including disaster relief gifts in the wake of the Gulf Coast hurricanes–totaled close to $10.6 million, up 2 percent over 2004.

Mission board hires Korean church-starter. The Southern Baptist International Mission Board has named Gihwang Shin, a church-starting missionary in Seattle, as mobilization strategist for Korean-American churches. The new position is funded in partnership with Korean Southern Baptist churches. Shin has been an ethnic church-starting strategist in Puget Sound Baptist Association five years.

Midwestern Seminary names new development VP. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has named Marty Harkey as vice president for institutional advancement. Harkey, 47, who previously served as the director of property management and as northwest area manager for the Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma, will oversee alumni affairs and development efforts at the seminary. Previously, he was pastor of First Baptist Church in Crescent, Okla.

SBC ad airs during BCS bowl games. The Southern Baptist Convention produced a television infomercial that ran in targeted markets during prime college football bowl games Jan. 2-4 on ABC-TV. The SBC Executive Committee developed the ad to highlight some national ministries funded through the Cooperative Program. The ad can be seen at, a new website that provides more information about the featured Southern Baptist ministries.

British Baptists urge prayer for hostages. A month after four Christian peace workers were taken hostage in Iraq, Baptist Union of Great Britain leaders called Christians to continue praying for them. A group calling itself the Swords of Righteousness Brigade began holding British Baptist Norman Kember and his co-workers Tom Fox, Jim Loney and Harmeet Singh Sooden Nov. 26. The four were working as part of a Christian Peacemakers team in Iraq. Nothing has been heard of them since Dec. 8, a day the captors set to kill the four Westerners if all Iraqi prisoners were not released.

West Virginia Baptist church ground-zero for mining tragedy. Praises turned to tears and anger for families gathered Jan. 4 inside a West Virginia Baptist church building waiting for news of their loved ones trapped after a coal-mine accident. Relatives of the 13 trapped miners had waited in the facilities of Sago Baptist Church near Buckhannon, W.Va., for almost two days since the mine explosion, which trapped the miners on the morning of Jan. 2. In the late-night hours of Jan. 3, those gathered in the church received word that rescuers had discovered 12 of the 13 alive. But their rejoicing gave way to mourning about three hours later, when an executive for the company that owns the mine told them the initial report of survivors had been reported upside down, and 12 of the 13 were dead.

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

Right or Wrong? A mosque moving in

Posted: 1/06/06

Right or Wrong?
A mosque moving in

Recently, a new structure went up in our neighborhood–a mosque. Should I fear this development?

Some would say the overall relationship between the world of Islam and the "Christian West" has been one of fear for more than 1,200 years. There have been good reasons for that–from both sides of the relationship. Neither Jihad nor Crusade makes for good neighbors.

Christians in America face some new realities, however. New immigration laws in the 1960s meant a more open-door policy that has brought millions of newcomers to our shores from lands where there has not been a strong Christian presence. Since then, the cultural, ethnic and religious mix of the United States has changed dramatically, now including people from countries with traditional religious backgrounds other than Christianity. This includes many nations from northern Africa around to southern Asia, where Islam is a dominating presence.

Obviously, since 9/11, many Americans, Britons and others see the Muslim world as reason for heightened fear. Could the neighborhood mosque provide cover for a militant Islamic sleeper cell? I wish someone could guarantee that such would never be the case. But while most Muslims are peaceful and law-abiding folk, there certainly could be exceptions. Of course, churches also have bred the likes of Richard Butler of the Aryan Nations and Olympics bomber Eric Rudolph. Both of these men would see their infamous projects as expressions of their Christian faith.

Should we be afraid of our Muslim neighbor, though? I don't think so. But let me suggest that we do need to be afraid of some things. We need to fear:

bluebull Ignorance. Look at how well the Apostle Paul knew his audiences. Whether with Jews in the synagogues, pagans in the streets or philosophers in debate settings, Paul was able to dialogue in ways that showed his acquaintance with the beliefs of others. Christians can better follow Paul's own model if we take the time to learn even the basics of Islamic faith.

Further, we should fear ignorance of our own faith as well. Specifically, a major point of disagreement between Christianity and Islam has to do with the doctrine of God. Muslims believe the doctrine of the Trinity to be blasphemous nonsense. Christians must be better informed about this central feature of our own faith if we are to engage in meaningful dialogue with a Muslim neighbor. And yet many Christians, while they know the Trinity is basic to our faith, will admit they have little confidence in being able to discuss the doctrine in an informed manner. Pastors must help congregations become better informed concerning the significance of this vital doctrine.

bluebull Failure to follow the Golden Rule. Christians appreciate respect for our beliefs from non-Christians; we should provide no less for those whose beliefs differ from our own. While respect does not mean an unwillingness to proclaim truth, it does at least mean we refuse to intimidate, persecute or express bigotry toward those of other beliefs.

One feature of respect, though, often is missing in our context. I believe it is a sign of disrespect for the beliefs of others to refuse to take differences seriously. To assert that "all religions are ultimately saying the same thing" is to reveal a profound ignorance of world religions. Or it is to strip the different world religions of their concrete beliefs by homogenizing them in light of some ideal of what true religion is all about. Such an effort often only infuriates the Muslim who sees in that strategy a demand for cultural assimilation to Western liberalism.

bluebull Cultural assimilation. Quite often, it is virtually impossible to distinguish between the cultural perspectives of Western Christians and the prevailing culture around them. If Christians truly were distinguished by their relationship with and commitment to Christ, perhaps relationships with our Muslim neighbors could be very different.

Jeph Holloway, associate professor of religion

East Texas Baptist University

Right or Wrong? is sponsored by the T.B. Maston Chair of Christian Ethics at Hardin-Simmons University's Logsdon School of Theology. Send your questions about how to apply your faith to

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

‘Acts of God’ considered top national/global story

Posted: 1/06/06

TOP TEN: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita–and Baptist response to the disasters– comprised the Baptist Standard's top nation/global story in 2005.

'Acts of God' considered
top national/global story

By Marv Knox


A couple of “acts of God” trumped all other events to claim the Baptist Standard's No. 1 national/international Baptist story of 2005.

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita wreaked havoc up and down the Gulf Coast late last summer and early fall. In their wake surged a flood of Baptist mercy and compassion, which spread across the Southern lowlands.

See Related Story:
Baylor leadership transition
the top Texas story in 2005

Katrina claimed about 1,000 lives–far less than the 10,000 originally predicted, but far more than such a storm should have claimed. Her winds scattered New Orleans residents from their saturated and swamped city into Baton Rouge and Houston and Jackson, and on to Dallas-Fort Worth, Memphis and Atlanta. Katrina also shredded coastal communities in Mississippi and Alabama. And while Rita didn't do as much damage, she came on the tailwind of her big sister and upended residents of Louisiana and Texas.

Baptists throughout the South and Southwest opened their churches and homes to provide shelter for victims who evacuated both Katrina and Rita. Led by Baptist Men volunteers from Texas and elsewhere, they also worked in evacuation centers, cooked meals, cut down fallen trees, removed debris, cared for children, helped with logistics, and offered prayer–lots and lots of prayer–on behalf of waterlogged survivors.

In the weeks following the storms, Baptists opened their pocketbooks to help hurricane evacuees relocate and settle into new communities, far from home. In many cases, they provided apartments or at least furnished them. They helped evacuees find jobs, secure clothing, settle children into schools, fill out government paperwork and, as much as possible, feel at home in strange neighborhoods and friendly churches.

Many Baptists also gave funds to help decimated churches find and minister to members, begin to repair or replace damaged buildings, and chart unsteady courses into uncertain futures. The Baptist General Convention of Texas provided $1 million to Baptists in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama to help churches meet needs in their communities.

And as the year drew to a close and monumental needs remained, Baptists across the region seemed to echo the same refrain: “We're in it for the long haul.”

The Standard's other top 10 Baptist stories include:

2. Federal courts.

Particularly at the national level, Baptists tried to shape the federal judiciary. Baptists populate both sides of the argument over whether the courts have become too “activist” in recent decades. Both sides have a vested interest in the appointment of judges. So, they weighed in when President Bush nominated John Roberts to fill the seat vacated by the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist at the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as when the president nominated Harriet Miers and then Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O'Connor when she retires. Baptist pundits and activists also sought to influence congressional decisions regarding lower-level judges.

3. Tsunami recovery.

The South Asia tsunami killed about 180,000 people, making it one of the greatest natural disasters in history. Christian and humanitarian relief agencies from around the globe poured into the region to care for the wounded and help rebuild communities wiped flat by the surging water. Baptists joined the efforts.

Texas Baptists responded with aid to victims of the tsunami.

Baptist Men volunteers from across the United States, including many Texans, traveled to Sri Lanka to serve the victims. Benevolence agencies rallied to the cause as well, channeling a variety of resources to the neediest people. And since the wall of water impacted one of the world's most Christian-resistant regions, missions agencies sensed the tsunami might soften hearts long hardened to the gospel. They reallocated both personnel and material resources to meet physical needs while they also demonstrated the love of Christ to people who, only days or weeks before, might have killed missionaries for preaching the gospel.

4. BWA centennial.

The Baptist World Alliance celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2005, as Baptists from many of the 211 member conventions and unions traveled to Birmingham, England, for the Baptist World Congress, an event held every five years. The past couple of years have been difficult for the BWA, particularly because the Southern Baptist Convention accused Baptists elsewhere of not being up to its standards of orthodoxy and consequently pulled out of the organization during its 99th year. Fortunately, Baptists elsewhere–such as the Baptist General Convention of Texas, Baptist General Association of Virginia and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, all in the United States–rallied to the cause. So, despite the SBC's absence, about 13,000 Baptists from around the globe converged on Birmingham for a joyous centennial celebration, marked by who arrived and not by who failed to show up.

5. University transition.

At least six Baptist universities encountered significant change in 2005. In Texas, Baylor University saw the resignation of President Robert Sloan, whose administration had divided regents, faculty and alumni; a period of healing under interim President Bill Under-wood; and the election of John Lilley as the next president by a sur-prising–some would say miraculous–una-nimous vote. Mercer Univer-sity in Macon and Atlanta, Ga., and the fundamentalist-controlled Georgia Baptist Convention parted company, alleviating the GBC of financial obligations and the university of the threat of an SBC-style takeover. At the end of the year, Underwood was elected Mercer's president, to succeed longtime President Kirby Godsey. Also in Georgia, Shorter College lost a court battle to separate from the state convention, which then named a new slate of trustees for the school. In Tennessee, Belmont University attempted to separate from the Tennessee Baptist Convention, a move complicated by a little-known founding provision that the Nashville school's property should revert to the TBC if the school ever left the convention. At year's end, Samford University in Alabama was set to elect Andrew Westmoreland as president, to replace longtime leader Tom Corts. And that move provided implications for yet another school, Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas, where Westmoreland is president.

6. Flood, race and poverty.

Hurricane Katrina left a mess in New Orleans. At year's end, much of the city remained uninhabitable. And the future of the Crescent City–as well as its former residents, now scattered across much of the country–remained an open question. Also at question is the relationship between race and poverty in America. Of course, geography played a major role in the New Orleans catastrophe. Since urban planners began channeling the Mississippi River generations ago, the city has sunk. So, a hole in a levee naturally means flooding in the city. But this tragedy shined a bright light on several other facts: Years of benign neglect left the levees weak and the city vulnerable. New Orleans already was one of the nation's poorest cities. It also was one of the cities with the largest black population. And when the floods came, the city's poor African-Americans suffered the most. Many Americans, from politicians to pundits to preachers, noted the connection between race, poverty and devastation is too strong to ignore. Figuring out how to remove toxic waste from New Orleans is one thing. Deciding how to treat Americans more fairly is quite another.

7. Warren & the world.

During the past 25 years, Rick Warren's Saddleback Community Church in California has become the largest Southern Baptist congregation and provided one of the major models for church growth. More recently, he wrote The Purpose Driven Life, which has touched hundreds of thousands of people. But in 2005, Warren turned his attention to poverty and AIDS. He said God convinced him he should be a good steward of the affluence and influence his mega-selling book has afforded him. So, he is taking on five “global giants”–spiritual darkness, lack of servant leaders, poverty, disease and ignorance–that affect billions of people. He has crafted a PEACE plan–plant churches, equip servant leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick and educate the next generation–to eliminate poverty, starvation and AIDS, as well as spread the gospel. If churches flock to PEACE in anywhere near the numbers that have adopted Purpose Driven, one can only wonder what 2006 will bring for Warren and the world.

8. Sex & culture.

Last year, Americans thought about sex almost as much in the courtroom and ballot booth as they did in the bedroom. In particular, they thought–and talked and argued–about same-sex marriage. And by and large, proponents of gay marriage won legal battles, while opponents won elections, such as the November referendum in Texas. Meanwhile, homosexual-rights activists and people who minister to gays and lesbians debated: Is the tendency toward homosexuality prompted by nature or nurture? Do homosexuals choose their lifestyle, or are they born that way? And can they choose to change? If anything, the debate will grow louder in '06.

9. Ten Commandments cases.

In two closely divided, carefully nuanced decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court drew a fine line between acceptable and unacceptable presentation of religious text and symbols on public property. By 5-4 votes, with Justice Stephen Breyer casting the swing vote in both cases, the court settled the two most significant church-state cases of its 2004-05 term. In Van Orden v. Perry, the justices ruled placement of a 6-foot-tall stone Ten Commandments monument on the Texas Capitol grounds is constitutional. But in McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky, they determined a framed copy of the commandments in a county courthouse is impermissible. While the Texas case provides government officials with precedent for displaying the Ten Commandments, the Kentucky decision warns that such displays must serve a secular purpose or else they're out of constitutional bounds.

10. School curriculum.

In one of the final major court cases of the year, a federal judge ruled the theory of “intelligent design” is not science and cannot be taught as science in public school classrooms. U.S. District Judge John Jones III ruled unconstitutional the Dover, Pa., school district's policy of requiring biology teachers to suggest evolution is “not a fact” and to state that intelligent design–the belief that some life forms are too complex to have evolved naturally and must have been aided by an intelligent designer–is a plausible alternative. While binding only in Dover, the court's decision is expected to warn districts in other parts of the country away from intelligent design. In a parallel debate, Americans argued whether Bible teaching in the nation's schools–such as materials published by the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools–is a legitimate course of study that is protected by the Constitution or a subterfuge for proselytizing students against their will.

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

Mission Arlington building damaged by apparent arson

Posted: 1/06/06

Mission Arlington building
damaged by apparent arson

By Ken Camp

Managing Editor

ARLINGTON–Fires apparently set by an arsonist on Christmas Eve and in the pre-dawn hours on Christmas caused significant damage to a Mission Arlington building.

But by the next day, the community ministry was operating–moving some services usually provided in the fire-damaged building to other facilities and setting up a clothes closet under a tent in an adjoining parking lot.

Rose Zamora, a staff worker at Mission Arlington, accepts donations and assists with cleanup after two fires damaged one of the community ministry's buildings.

Investigators ruled out accidental causes. Although no accelerants were used, the fires apparently were set intentionally. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported investigators questioned a "person of interest," but no charges have been filed.

Although some news sources reported the ministry sustained $30,000 in damages, Mission Arlington Executive Director Tillie Burgin said: “I don't know where they got that. I can't imagine that would even begin to cover it.”

Both fires occurred in Mission Arlington's “first house”–the northern-most unit in a long, two-story facility that houses a clothes closet and a childcare facility and that served as the staging area for Christmas donations.

Mission Arlington staff discovered the first fire mid-afternoon Dec. 24.

“It was in a closet where we keep coats and blankets,” Burgin said. “It was put out quickly and caused minimal damage. … We were just praising God it was so contained.”

Sometime after 2 a.m. on Christmas, Burgin received a phone call reporting a second fire in the same facility. It caused significantly more damage.

“The whole inside of the building will have to be redone,” she reported.

Even so, she expressed thanks that the building was unoccupied, the fire didn't spread to adjoining units and the inventory of Christmas toys already had been distributed.

“We had just given 20,000 people toys. There were still some left over, but not much,” she said. “It could have been so much worse. It could have spread to the second, third and fourth houses. Nothing was occupied, and nobody was injured.”

While professionals examined the facility to assess damage, volunteers joined staff in the early stages of cleanup and in receiving year-end donations from the community–including much-needed blankets and coats to replace ones destroyed in the fire.

“We're grateful for the prayers of God's people, and our prayer is that God will be glorified even through these circumstances,” Burgin said. “We teach people all the time how to work through crisis. Now we get to practice what we preach.”

Burgin founded Mission Arlington in 1986 as a ministry of Arlington's First Baptist Church. Mission Arlington now provides ministry to 600,000 people each year and sponsors Bible studies at 254 sites that involve 4,000 people each week.

To contribute financially to Mission Arlington, send a check to 210 W. South St., Arlington 76010 or contribute online at

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

Underwood urges Baylor graduates to challenge authority

Posted: 1/06/06

Underwood urges graduates
to think for themselves

By Ken Camp

Managing Editor

WACO–Bill Underwood ended his tenure as Baylor University's interim president by challenging graduates to think for themselves and respect the right of other people to disagree with them.

“You are entering a world where you will be discouraged–even repressed–from thinking for yourself,” he said. “You will be discouraged from challenging what you see, hear and read in the media. You will be discouraged from challenging political authority. You may well be accused of being unpatriotic if you do. You will be discouraged from challenging ecclesiastical authority. You may well be accused of being a heretic if you do.”

Bill Underwood

Underwood told the graduates at Baylor's December commencement ceremony they owe it to themselves not to give in to those who would deny their freedom of thought.

“Your responsibility to yourself demands that you not be discouraged from thinking for yourself. Your responsibility to yourself demands that you exercise your individual freedom of conscience. Let me go further. Let me suggest that your responsibility to others–to your community–demands that you exercise your freedom of conscience,” he said.

Underwood, president-elect of Mercer University, used his final address at Baylor to underscore themes of individual liberty of conscience and academic freedom–ideals many Baylor observers viewed Underwood as championing during the last turbulent years of Robert Sloan's tenure as university president. Those same issues also appear on the front burner at Mercer, which recently cut ties with the Georgia Baptist Convention.

“If we are to be a great Christian university, we cannot be afraid to pursue the course of truth, wherever that course might lead. Indeed, if our pursuit of truth leads us to question our existing view of God, it may just be that God is trying to tell us something,” said Underwood, who assumes the helm at Mercer July 1 after Kirby Godsey retires as president. John Lilley became Baylor's president Jan. 2.

Students attending Baylor these last few years had a ringside seat to observe a debate over the nature of Christian higher education, Underwood noted. He characterized the controversy as “a conversation among good people” about how truth is taught, about individual freedom of thought and about responsibility to the community.

“You have witnessed a conversation that has captured the attention of much of the Baylor community and even the world of Christian higher education–a conversation about two ideas that throughout history have been in endless antagonism,” he said.

Indeed, some of the graduates literally might have been in the audience more than a year before, when Underwood–then a law school professor–debated then-Provost David Lyle Jeffrey on the proper role of academic freedom in a religious university.

At the time, Underwood spoke against the evils of “autocratic dictates”–seen as a not-too-veiled reference to Sloan's and Jeffrey's interpretation of what it meant to integrate faith and academics.

In speaking to the Baylor graduates, Underwood quoted with alarm a statement by theologian and ethicist Stanley Hauerwas of Duke Divinity School: “No task is more important than for the church to take the Bible out of the hands of individual Christians in North America.”

Underwood underscored that view as consistent with the position of a “colleague here at Baylor” who “has described the idea that individual believers have the freedom to reach their own conclusions regarding the Scriptures as 'incoherent or simply a bad idea.'” Underwood later declined to name the person who made the statement, saying he wanted to focus on the ideas rather than the personalities.

Taken to its extreme in an academic setting, he noted, the same attitude prompted Adrian Rogers, a recently deceased leader among Southern Baptist fundamentalists whom Underwood also did not mention by name, to declare that teachers should be required to teach agreed-upon orthodoxy, “And if we tell them to teach that pickles have souls, then they must teach that pickles have souls.”

“Under this idea, we would have spiritual masters to tell us what to teach, what to learn and what to believe,” Underwood said, comparing that attitude to the scribes and Pharisees of Christ's day.

“God has given us the gift of reason,” he continued. “And Jesus commanded us to use our minds–to love God with our hearts and our souls–but also to love God with our minds. Surely, keeping this greatest of all commandments requires us to think for ourselves and come to our own conclusions.

“Indeed, when we stand before God on judgment day, it would hardly be a defense to say that we just believed as we were told. You see, we are responsible for our souls. It is this responsibility that requires us to think for ourselves and come to our own conclusions.”

Underwood disputed the criticism that commitment to individual freedom of conscience leads to cultural relativism and the belief that there is no objective truth.

“There is truth. There is right. There is wrong. And sometimes, we are wrong. Sometimes, our ideas are lousy and ought to be rejected by others,” he said. “Our great theologians are sometimes wrong. Our philosophers can be wrong. Even our university presidents are sometimes wrong.”

The awareness that no one possesses perfect knowledge should lead to a humble pursuit of truth, both by individuals and by Christian schools, Underwood said.

“This pursuit of truth requires exposing our students to the great thinkers of today and yesterday–not so that they will blindly accept the conclusions of others, but instead to aid them in their search for truth,” he said.

“Christian universities must also equip our students with the critical thinking skills needed for a lifelong pursuit of truth. This requires encouraging students to think for themselves and then to test their ideas in free and open discourse with others, even ideas that are controversial–even ideas that challenge prevailing viewpoints.”

Underwood challenged students to think for themselves and exercise their individual freedom of conscience, even if it means challenging prevailing wisdom. At one time, he noted, racial segregation was the “prevailing orthodoxy” in the South, and too few free thinkers challenged it.

“How many other beliefs at one time firmly held as true have been proven false with the passage of time? What so-called 'truths' that we hold dear today will the passage of time prove false? And how will we know if we accept what others have declared as orthodox without question?” he asked.

Repeating his charge to the graduates, Underwood closed: “Use the intellect that God has given you. Think critically. Have courage. And acknowledge–no, embrace–the right of others to disagree.”

The full text of Underwood’s commencement address to Baylor graduates is located here.

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

Church shows love to teenaged parents at Care Fair

Posted: 1/06/06

Young mothers and mothers-to-be learn CPR at a Care Fair sponsored by First Baptist Church in Farmers Branch.

Church shows love to
teenaged parents at Care Fair

By George Henson

Staff Writer

FARMERS BRANCH–More than 50 teenaged unwed mothers and mothers-to-be gathered at First Baptist Church in Farmers Branch for an aptly named Care Fair.

The young women–and a few young men– learned about a variety of topics throughout the event, organized by members of the church's Woman's Missionary Union. But the overarching concept the church wanted to communicate was simple: Regardless of choices that had been made, the teens still were loved.

Representatives of the state attorney general's office opened the day with information about paternity and child-support laws. A question-and-answer period produced questions from a young man about how he could secure visitation of a child he believed to be his.

Other sessions included information on child development, learning activities for young children, infant massage and infant sign language.

At lunch, teenaged parents heard the testimony of a woman who years ago found herself in a similar circumstance but now is a successful professional.

Pastor Sam Underwood said the event helped the church minister to many segments of the community.

“Even though we've been here since 1870, we're seeking new ways to be a church on mission,” he said. “From our perspective, it's a way of reaching out to some people who we might not otherwise meet. Also, it meets a tremendous need in the lives of these young people.

“The easiest way to explain why we do this is that it's the Christian thing to do. … I have to give credit to our women. Our Baptist Women saw the need and really just ran with it. It has really energized that group.”

Suzanne Devine, a leader in the church's WMU, said her church does not elect officers–everyone just gets involved. At First Baptist, the WMU meets every Tuesday night.

To prepare for the Care Fair, volunteers made 90 baby blankets, but not all were made by WMU members. Men, children and youth also participated.

Plans begin for the next Care Fair just weeks after one is completed, Devine said, with concentrated focus the four months preceding the next event.

“This is really a project that involves the whole church,” she said. Members who could not help make the blankets donated money to buy the material, provided food for the event or served as hosts and hostesses.

Men's involvement is an important compenent, Underwood noted. “We want (the young parents) to see that families include men,” he said.

Devine said the school-age mothers fit a variety of profiles. Some are pregnant with their first child, while others already have had their babies and some have more than one child. Some came with the child's father, while others have no connection to the father of the baby.

Seven males attended this year's Care Fair, up from two last year.

WMU members feel a responsibility to provide the best day of instruction possible for the young people.

“We want to make sure they get good information and don't just get out of school for a day,” she said. “I don't think they feel like they've been on a field trip when they leave here, but more like a parenting seminar.”

WMU member Margaret Wilkerson believes the event is beneficial not only for the high school parents, but also especially for their children.

“I'm a mom, and being able to raise a child to be an educated, contributing member of society is one of the most important things a mom can do. These kids are now doing that at a disadvantage, but maybe this will help them along,” she said.

“Also, I think this makes them aware of their huge responsibility, but also gives them encouragement that they can get through it.”

Parenting is a big responsibility, but “you can be an effective, responsible parent and still have a lot of fun,” she said, noting she tried to demonstrate by example.

Helping make the blankets also provided her an opportunity to talk to her 9-year-old son, Shafer, about some topics that may not have come up otherwise.

“He had some questions, and I talked with him about how important it was these girls feel important and welcomed and how these presents would do that,” Wilkerson said. “It also opened the door to wider conversations about God's plans for our lives, and about how decisions have consequences.”

While the church would like to see the young people return, it did not collect names and addresses or any other contact information.

“That's not what we set out to do,” Devine said. “But these girls are from our community. Our children know them. Younger children attend school with their siblings. It's not 'here today and gone tomorrow.'”

Devine has a broader focus.

“I want them to know that we feel they are a vibrant part of our community, that we respect the choices they made and that the door here is always open and that there will always be someone here for them who will receive them without judgement,” she said.

Her pastor agrees.

“We don't know that any of these young people will come to our church, but they certainly would be welcome. We hope through this that we will have a Christian witness and will show them what a church is all about–loving others as Christ loves us,” Underwood said.

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

Mexican families enjoy new homes, thanks to Baptist efforts

Posted: 1/06/06

Texas Baptist River Ministry Director Dexton Shores (left) presents the key to a new home to a Mexican family victimized by Hurricane Emily, while Associate Director Loren Fast gives them a Bible.

Mexican families enjoy new
homes, thanks to Baptist efforts

By John Hall

Texas Baptist Communications

LA CAPILLA, Mexico–Baptist General Convention of Texas River Ministry leaders presented 11 families with keys to new homes that can help them begin their lives again after Hurricane Emily.

The hurricane blew through Mexico in late July, destroying thousands of homes in the northeast portion of the nation.

Texas Baptists intended to help immediately in the affected areas, but they needed to ready themselves for hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which made landfall shortly after Emily.

River Ministry coordinators turned their efforts toward recruiting local men to construct homes. The volunteers worked with the new homeowners and a few Texas Baptist construction teams to build the new homes.

Each family that moved into a new home attends the Baptist church in La Capilla and will cherish the new furnishings, River Ministry Asssociate Director Loren Fast said.

La Capilla is a fishing village with dirt roads. Many people live in small wooden homes and use outhouses. Many times, a car battery powers the lights for evening church services.

The new homes are larger than the old ones and are made of cinder blocks and cement. The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Central Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tenn., helped Texas Baptists support this project.

“It's very simple, but it means a lot to the families,” Fast said.

“They will treasure it. They will take care of it.”

The new homes create opportunities to share the gospel, River Ministry Regional Coordinator Juan Lambarria said.

The families can tell others how God provided for them through the help of other Baptists.

Baptists also gained a better understanding of the international family of believers through this project, Lambarria said. Christians on both sides of the border are working together to further the kingdom of God.

“The project is important because we can see we are God's people all around the world,” he said.

“We may be different people, have a different language, but we can see our Texas brothers working hand-in-hand with Mexican Baptists.”

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

Storylist for week of 12/19/05

Storylist for week of 12/19/05

Around Texas       • Baptists      
Faith In Action

      • Departments      • Opinion       • Bible Study      

BGCT gives Christmas gift of new homes to Mexico hurricane victims

Church offers acceptance and help in seminar for unwed mothers

DBU group sings at White House

Federal court issues sweeping judgment against teaching of intelligent design

Katrina 'put a face on poverty,' but will long-term picture change?

Underwood urges Baylor graduates to challenge authority

Full text of Underwood's message to graduates

Senate narrowly passes budget cuts opposed by anti-poverty leaders

• Did you miss our Baptist Standard staff Christmas Greeting? See it here.

Fate of hostages in Iraq still unknown

Mercer, Georgia convention agree to terms

Westmoreland nominated for Samford presidency

Churches adopting Chrismon trees

Advent Adventure: Churches capitalize on movie-sparked Narnia-mania

Advent Adventure: Churches capitalize on movie-sparked Narnia-mania

Baptist churches learn to embrace Advent ritual

Advent symbols explained

Personal touch meaningful to Breckenridge residents

Howard Payne launches new graduate degree

Baptist women knit scarves, bake cookies for exotic dancers

Children's home party a Christmas tradition for layman

On the Move

Around the State

Texas Tidbits

Previously Posted
Mercer taps Baylor interim for school's presidency

Gonzales ministry aids 'suffering church of Chiapas'

Welcome Center shelters, helps inmates' familie

Appeal denied convicted Mexican evangelicals

Vote tally dispute points to internal IMB disagreement

Louisiana College retains accreditation

Boggs selected for Louisiana paper

Baptist Briefs

Previously Posted
Warren urges ministry to AIDS victims

North Carolina moderates consider alternative giving approaches

Ouachita president may lead Samford

Man convicted in missionary murders executed

Personal touch meaningful to Breckenridge residents

Christmas music playlist ranges from sacred to secular

Some churches say they'll sing no carol before its time

Narnia movie prompts renewed debate about Lewis

Narnia movie echoes books' themes

Unlikely allies defend 'Merry Christmas' greeting

Reflecting on values reduces stress

Previously Posted
South Africa OK's same-sex marriage

Reviewed in this issue:• The 13 Apostles by Preston Alford Taylor • Cure for the Common Life: Living in Your Sweet Spot by Max Lucado • Set Free by Forgiveness by Randall O'Brien • The Dominance of Evangelicalism: The Age of Spurgeon and Moody by David W. Bebbington.

Classified Ads

Texas Baptist Forum

On the Move

EDITORIAL: Have a Merry Christmas this year

DOWN HOME: A long walk into the future

TOGETHER Make room for children this Christmas

Right or Wrong? A question of wedding vows

Second Opinion: The cheering of Christmas

Texas Baptist Forum

Cybercolumn by Brett Younger: Skipping Christmas

Cybercolumn by Brett Younger: All in the Baptist family

Cybercolumn by Jeanie Miley: We are invited into the Jesus story

BaptistWay Bible Series for Dec. 25: For the Christian, ‘neighbor' is a broad term

Family Bible Series for Dec. 25: Jesus is our conduit to the realm of heaven

Explore the Bible Series for Dec. 25: Good news: Jesus Christ is born

BaptistWay Bible Series for Christmas: The story of Christ's birth is a story of love

BaptistWay Bible Series for Jan. 1: Jesus provides the model for talking with God

Family Bible Series for Jan. 1: Work was a part of God's original plan

Explore the Bible Series for Jan. 1: Christians are to lead lives of worship

BaptistWay Bible Series for Jan. 8: God's standards are the only ones that count

Family Bible Series for Jan. 8: Money has its place, but it's not first place

Explore the Bible Series for Jan. 8: Demonstrate Christ's love to others with action

See articles from previous issue 12/05/05 here.

Around the State

Posted: 1/06/06

First Church in Orange elected to help the helpers by presenting a check to the Texas Baptist Men's Top of Texas Disaster Unit. The check was to be used toward purchase of a tilt skillet that would increase the food-serving capacity of the TBM feeding unit from 20,000 meals per day to 30,000 meals per day. First Baptist Treasurer Don Mohon and Deacon Chairman Don Ball presented the check to Tim Willis of the Top of Texas team. While serving in Orange, the TBM crew served more than 240,000 free meals to people whose lives were turned upside down by Hurricane Rita. While the TBM volunteers of business owners, farmers, secretaries and retirees come from all over West Texas, the feeding unit is based at First Church in Plains, a community of about 1,200 people.

Around the State

bluebull Baylor Health Care System's pastoral care department and the Baptist General Convention of Texas' office of chaplaincy relations will begin a 14-week course titled “Hands On Ministry” Feb. 2. The course, taught by professional chaplains, is aimed at providing lay people with an opportunity for increasing the knowledge, skills and ability needed to provide effective, compassionate care to others. Classes will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. each Thursday, with the exception of Maundy Thursday, through May 11. The training fee is $25. For more information, contact Bob Duncan at (214) 820-4893 or Reba Gram at (888) 311-3900.

bluebull The third annual singles conference of San Jacinto Baptist Association will be held Feb. 25 from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Northside Church in Baytown. Don Piper, author of 90 Minutes in Heaven, will be the keynote speaker. Singles of all ages are welcome. The $25 cost includes an autographed book and lunch. For more information, call (281) 422-3604 or go to

bluebull Baylor University has named two faculty members as master teachers. Honored with the designation were Thomas Hanks Jr., professor of English, and Gerald Powell, the Abner V. McCall Professor of Evidence at Baylor Law School. Hanks began teaching at Baylor in 1976 and is a noted expert in medieval English literature. Powell has taught in the Baylor law school since 1986.

bluebull The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor held its traditional pinning ceremony Dec. 15 for graduates of the Scott & White College of Nursing. Twenty-nine graduates participated in the pinning ceremony. The pin awarded graduates is unique to the school and is the same design as awarded to every class since the first graduates in 1904. Outstanding graduates honored during the ceremony were Kyle Mikles with the Golden Cross Award, Billie Jo Carpenter with the Purple Heart Award, Shelby Widner with the Clinical Excellence Award and Crissie Richardson with both the Academic Achievement Award and the Laura Cole Award for demonstrated leadership.

bluebull Dallas Baptist University honored four recipients at its annual Ruth Awards luncheon. Chosen as recipients were Michelle Blackburn of Canton, Billye Buxton of Dallas, Patsy Smith of Colleyville and Joan Trew of Fort Worth. They were selected for their dedication to God, family and Christian education at DBU.

bluebull In preparation for its 100th anniversary celebration in April, First Church in Melvin is seeking former Pastor Maurice Mosley. Anyone with information about him may send it to the church at Route 1, Box 60, 76858.

bluebull Calvary Hills Church in San Antonio is seeking information on charter members in preparation for the celebration of its 20th anniversary in April. Contact the church at (210) 681-2446. Randy Houston is pastor.


bluebull First Church in Flower Mound, 25th, Oct. 30. David Williams is pastor.

bluebull Hickory Creek Church in Denton, 150th, Nov. 20. Raymond Castro is pastor.

bluebull Harold Sturm, fifth, as associate pastor of River Hills Church in Corpus Christi, Jan. 1.

Several members of the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor football team rode in the annual Temple Christmas parade with children in the Designs of Hope program. These children have cancer, and the team adopted the Scott & White Medical Center pediatric oncology wing this year to visit with the children. The relationships between the players and children caused many of the children to elect to ride on the shoulders of their friends rather than the float. Participating players included Josh Welch, Jonathan Montgomery, Anthony Carter, Jarvis Thrasher, James Tillotson, Matt Harvey, Chris Addison, Bryan McCasland, Adam Aguillera, Chad Hilton, Kelvin Kirby and Shawnn Williams.

bluebull Robert Simmons, fifth, as pastor of Annaville Church in Corpus Christi, Jan. 1.

bluebull Shawn Kemp, fifth, as pastor of Hagerman Church in Sherman, Jan. 14.

bluebull Crescent Heights Church in Abilene, 50th, Jan. 14-15. Former pastors Billy Hendrix, Wayne Allen, James Vermillion, Harold Scarbrough, Butch Pesch and Walter Knight Jr. are expected to attend. For more information, call (325) 677-3749. Mike Chancellor is pastor.


bluebull Evelyn Gilbreath, 94, Dec. 7 in Cameron. She was the wife of Baptist pastor U.S. Lucky, and together they served churches in Texas, Arkansas and Missouri before retiring to Cameron in 1979. After his death in 1983, she married Leo Heard in 1987, but he died later that year. She married Richard Gilbreath in 1988, and he preceded her in death in 1990. She also was preceded in death by her sister, Bonnie Watkins and brother, A.J. McClure. She was a member of Battetown Church in Cameron, where she served as pianist for a number of years. She is survived by her brother, Dan McClure; and sisters, Faye Miller and Lois Kiker.

bluebull Lydia Hogan, 57, Dec. 12 in Little Rock, Ark. Her husband, Bill, is pastor of Hillcrest Church in Marshall. She was a teacher in the Hallsville school district. She is survived by her husband; daughter, Heather Hogan; brother, Sam Bailey; sister, Rhoda Smith; and in-laws, Beryl and Bill Hogan.

bluebull Jack Manning, 95, Dec. 14 in Waxahachie. Manning began preaching in 1932 and was a Baptist minister more than 70 years. He was pastor of churches in Howard, Forreston, Red Oak, Paradise, Rhome and Burkburnett before becoming a World War II chaplain in 1942. He was a chaplain in England and made the landing at Normandy. He was awarded a Bronze Star, Purple Heart and an award for meritorious service. At the end of the war, he returned to the States but remained active in the U.S. Army Reserve until 1970, retiring as a colonel. He also was pastor of a church in Oklahoma while attending seminary to earn his doctorate. After graduation, he became a professor at Golden Gate Seminary in California, where he taught church history, Greek and church administration. He returned to Waxahachie after retirement. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Lucile; daughter, Ruth Turpin; son, Jack; sister, Marinell Holt; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

bluebull Zane Busch, 47, Dec. 14 in Nederland. A minister of music, he served Central Church in Port Neches, Triangle Church in Nederland and Memorial Church in Port Arthur. He also served as interim music director and pianist for First Church in Nederland and as pianist for Calvary Church in Beaumont. He is survived by his wife, Tanya; parents, John and Christell Busch; and brother, David.

bluebull David Hale, 67, Dec. 18 in Dallas. Hale was pastor of Northside Church in Corsicana more than 30 years and began Church in the Park there in recent years. Hale began the chaplain's program at Navarro Regional Hospital, where the chapel bears his name. He also served as chaplain for the sheriff's department and as emcee for the Navarro County Special Olympics for more than 20 years. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Joyce, and his brother, Charles. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; daughters, Jennifer Wilfong, Kyla Terry and Amara Hughes; brother, Durwood; stepsons, Tommy and Mark Head; stepdaughter, Janna Head; and nine grandchildren.

bluebull Percy Bailey, 90, Dec. 21 in Diana. A Baptist minister more than 50 years, he served churches in Oakwood, Nome, Vidor, Kirbyville, Gilmer and County Line. He was preceded in death by his wife, Evelyn, and daughter, Lydia Hogan. He is survived by his son, Sam; daughter, Rhoda Smith; and five grandchildren.

bluebull Hazel Falke-Obey, 62, Dec. 30 in Austin. Her first husband, James Obey, was pastor of St. Stephen's Church in San Antonio, St. John First Church in Corpus Christi and David Chapel Missionary Church in Austin. She remained a member of the Austin church since 1963. She was actively involved in the Austin community, employed over a 30-year span with the Austin school district, Rep. Wilhelmina Delco, Gov. Mark White, Texas attorney general's office of Jim Mattox; and the Texas general land office of Garry Mauro. She also served actively in numerous civic organizations. Through her work, she became a friend and counselor to nationally known political figures, including President Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson. She was a member of the Democratic National Committee 18 years, and the Texas State Democratic Executive Committee. She is survived by her husband, William Lyons; daughters, Norma McAfee, Flores Jean Phelps, Ernestine Ramsey, Jackie Marcee, Marilyn Obey and Anyce Obey; son, Anthony Obey; sister, JoAnn Falke; brother, Wilburn White; three step-children; 22 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.

bluebull Cathy Leak, 58, Jan. 2 in Kerrville. Her husband, Jim, is director of missions for Hill Country Association. A teacher, she taught second grade and later music. She also taught private music lessons and was active in youth ministry. She began to play the organ in her church when only 14 years old and continued until 2000, when she left the organist position at Trinity Church in Kerrville to serve as worship minister at Heart of the Hills Church in Kerrville. She also was a volunteer chaplain at Peterson Hospital and ministered to women confined at the Kerr County Jail. She was preceded in death by her father, Harry Craig Jr., by only 23 days at age 95. She is survived by her husband; sons, Corey and Kyle; daughter, Kerri Sparkman; mother, Wanda Craig; brother, Harry Craig III; and four grandchildren.


bluebull Ken Black, as pastor of First Church in Jourdanton, Jan. 31. He has served the church five years and has been in the ministry since being ordained at First Church in Lyford in 1964. His previous pastorates include a five-year stint at Calvary Church in Brownsville.

bluebull First Church in Devers will hold a gospel singing concert Jan. 13 at 7 p.m. Featured groups will include The Cherrys and the Calvary Singers. An offering will be taken. For more information, call (936) 549-7653. Harry McDaniel is pastor.

bluebull Agape Church, a new congregation in Fort Worth, will kick off its ministry with a celebration weekend Jan. 13-15. Services will begin at 7 p.m. Russell Dilday will speak each evening. Charles Wade, exec-utive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, will be the guest speaker Friday evening. Bill Bruster will be the guest speaker on Saturday evening, and Tom Law will speak on Sunday evening. The church is at 4833 Selkirk Drive (formerly Westcliff Methodist Church). Gerald Marsh is interim pastor.

bluebull Wilshire Church in Dallas will offer a free community parenting seminar Jan. 15. Beginning at 2:30 p.m., four class periods will offer a variety of seminars, including “What's Safe for My Kids on the Internet?” “Brain Development,” “Would I Know if My Kid Started Using Drugs?” “Understanding and Different-iating ADD, ADHD, Depression and Bipolar Disorder,” “How to Talk with a Teenager” and many more. A snack supper will be provided between the third and fourth sessions. Childcare will be available through sixth grade. George Mason is pastor.

bluebull “Celebrate Life with a Show of Hands” is the theme of the First Baptist Church in Belton Sanctity of Human Life Fair to be held Jan. 29 from noon until 2 p.m. The fair will feature booths from programs and organizations that provide family services, including crisis pregnancy, maternity homes, adoption, abuse recovery, disabilities, assistive technologies and services, and free legal help with living wills. There will be craft activities and puppet shows for children, two seminars, special music and a food booth to raise money for missions. Andy Davis is pastor.


bluebull Wade Garrett to the ministry at Oakridge Church in Denison. He and his wife, Laurie, will serve with the International Mission Board in southern Asia.

bluebull Keith Gatewood as a deacon at Pleasant Valley Church in Jonesboro.

bluebull Eddie Rains, Allen Rector, Philip Robinson and Greg Wood as deacons at Lytle South Church in Abilene.


bluebull Northside Church, Victoria; Jan. 22-25; evangelist, Jon Randles; pastor, Tim Williams.

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

BGCT provides computers for Nigerian Baptists

Posted: 1/06/06

BGCT provides computers for Nigerian Baptists

By John Hall

Texas Baptist Communications

The Baptist General Convention of Texas has shipped more than seven dozen computers to the Nigerian Baptist Convention.

Eighty-seven computers, 90 computer monitors, mice, keyboards and some spare parts were shipped to Ibadan–the location of the Nigerian convention's offices–in mid-December. The items are estimated to arrive in late January.

The donated computers will update the convention's technology and assist leaders in administrative duties. Gerald Davis, strategist for the BGCT equipping ministries team, said the computers will be used to create a lab for the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary in Ogbomosho and an Internet café.

“The building of a technology infrastructure for the Nigerian Baptist Convention is a great feat that was made possible by so many Texas Baptists,” said Michael Evans, director of BGCT African-American ministries who helped with the project.

“About 8,000 of the dollars were given by African-American churches. This goes to show together we can truly do more than if we were alone or separate.”

The Internet café will be open to the public, and organizers hope it will generate revenue for the Baptist medical clinic in the city, Davis said.

The shipment of computers is part of a larger relationship between the BGCT and the Nigerian Baptist Convention, said Don Sewell, who leads Texas Baptist partnership efforts. Many needs can be met by Texas Baptists who are willing to serve in Nigeria, he noted.

“The sharing of these computers is simply one important facet of our overarching partnership with Nigeria,” he said. “We look forward to sending volunteer teams to assist in all forms of evangelism and ministry.”

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

Bible literacy among Baptists in decline, some educators fear

Posted: 1/06/06

Bible literacy among Baptists
in decline, some educators fear

By Ken Camp

Managing Editor

Only one-third of American teenagers know what a “road to Damascus” experience means, and close to one-third don't understand the term “Good Samaritan,” a 2004 Gallup survey revealed.

Now, some religious educators wonder if adults in Baptist churches would score much better on a Bible literacy test.

“People already are biblically illiterate. It's scary what they don't know, and I'm afraid it will only get worse,” said Dennis Parrott, who served as minister of education at Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler before joining the Baptist General Convention of Texas staff.

Some ministers of education see a relative, short-term decline in biblical literacy among church members as a positive sign. They interpret it as evidence churches are reaching people who didn't grow up in Christian homes and churches where they could learn Bible stories.

“If there's a decline in overall biblical literacy, it's more a reflection of outreach to the un-churched, because in the general population, there's less biblical literacy,” said David Strawn, minister of education at First Baptist Church in College Station.

But other religious educators question whether Baptists in the pews today understand the Bible as comprehensively as Baptists did in earlier generations.

In part, this may be attributed to an emphasis on “hot topic” short-term classes or “book-of-the-month” studies in some churches, said David Adams, minister of education at Williams Trace Baptist Church in Sugar Land.

Topical, special-interest studies and classes built around books by popular Christian authors should be offered in addition to ongoing Bible study, not in place of it, Adams said.

“We have people who say to us, 'It's so refreshing because you actually teach the Bible here,” he said. Adams also suggests religious education may not be receiving the emphasis and support it previously received in churches and the denomination–a view shared by Budd Smith, senior fellow and professor at the B.H. Carroll Institute.

“It's all in flux right now. There's been a decline in emphasis on religious education in churches,” said Smith, a longtime professor of Christian education at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. “It's no fault of any particular church or group, but the focus now is on worship. In the meantime, there's been a movement away from education.”

Smith traces the de-emphasis in religious education and decline in biblical literacy among Baptists to the demise of what once was known as Training Union.

“A lot of that had to do with the way we put it in a bad time slot on Sunday afternoon,” he said. Smith's dissertation in the 1970s revealed a sharp contrast between the basic biblical understanding of Sunday school teachers who had attended Training Union and the lack of knowledge among those who had not parti-cipated.

“Now we have a whole generation of Sunday school teachers who have never had a study course in Baptist history, theology or ethics,” Smith said.

As a result, he said, their teaching often lacks depth, and many people in Sunday school classes have a shallow understanding of what the Bible says.

However, some religious educators find hope in the emerging generation who hunger for substance in Bible study.

“The assumption often is that the younger generation just want their felt needs met, but we underestimate their ability to multi-task,” said Judy Morris, director of the master's-level program in Christian education at Dallas Baptist University.

While young people respond positively to topical classes about their immediate needs and interests, they want more, she insisted.

“When it comes down to it, their faith development is important to them,” she said. “They want the foundations more than we realize.”

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

Book Reviews

Posted: 1/06/06

Book Reviews

Evaluating the Church Growth Movement: Five Views by Gary L. McIntosh, general editor (Zondervan)

Evaluating the Church Growth Movement provides an opportunity to understand a variety of North American church-growth views. Five scholars express their perspectives as well as critique each other's writings. They delve into church growth, sharing their own historical understandings and interpretations.

Gary McIntosh, the general editor writes:

“When you hear the term 'church growth,' what words or phrases come to mind? You may think of megachurches, small groups, numbers, contemporary worship, marketing or a host of other concepts that have occasionally been promoted as popular church-growth theory.

“In contrast, you may identify the term 'church growth' with effective evangelism, church planting, church extension, making disciples, church multiplication or other aspects of outreach that seek to win people to Christ and enlist them as responsible members of his church.

What are you reading that other Texas Baptists would find helpful? Send suggestions and reviews to

“These differing perceptions of the term 'church growth,' and the emotions that arise from them, clearly point to misunderstanding and disagreement regarding the term, as well as the movement. Church growth is one of those ideas that cause us to draw lines in the sand. We are either for an emphasis on church growth or against it. There seems to be little neutral ground.

Donald McGavran, the father of the modern church-growth movement, recognized early on the divisive nature of church growth thought in a letter to his wife, written from Costa Rica on Sept. 8, 1961: 'It is clear that emphasizing the growth of the churches divides the camp. It is really a divisive topic. How strange when all are presumably disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.' Dr. McGavran's words still ring true today. Church growth continues to divide the camp … as discovered in this work.”

Evaluating the Church Growth Movement brings together church growth voices from diverse North American perspectives.

Elmer Towns of Liberty University writes from the effective evangelism view that church growth effectively confronts and penetrates the culture. Craig Van Gelder of Luther Theological Seminary shares from the gospel and our cultural view that church growth lacks a sufficient view of the church, which hinders it from effectively engaging the culture. Charles Van Engen of Fuller Theological Seminary gives the centrist view, holding that church growth is based on an evangelistically focused and a missiologically applied theology. Gailyn Van Rheenen of Abilene Christian University puts forth the reformist view that church growth assumes theology but ineffectively employs it to analyze culture, determine strategy and perceive history.

Howard Snyder of Asbury Theological Seminary represents the renewal view that church growth must be based on a biblical vision of the church as the vital community of the kingdom of God. In addition, three pastors, David Fisher, Douglas Webster and Roberta Hestenes reflect on the five scholars' writings and critiques.

The reader will find the ideas presented and the arguments raised a quick and in-depth appraisal of the North American church growth movement.

Evaluating the Church Growth Movement is a good example of Christian discussion in action.

Fred Ater, strategist

BGCT Missional Church Center


The Bible–You Can Believe It: Biblical Authority in the Twenty-First Century by Jim Denison (BaptistWay Press)

This recent offering by Jim Denison combines scholarly excellence with practical presentation in defending the authority of the Bible. Denison, pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, provides teachings that are easily applied to help believers understand and share their faith. He tackles such issues as inerrancy, “contradictions” in Scripture, the miraculous, and the creation of the Canon, a question recently raised in The Da Vinci Code.

Denison combines his academic proficiency with his pastor's heart as he continually encourages readers to move beyond an apologetic handling of the Bible to its daily, personal study.

He provides guidelines for such study, challenging believers to decide before opening the Bible that they will obey what is found there.

He reminds readers that nonbelievers don't come to church buildings to hear appeals on the basis of scriptural authority. “But when we show them the pragmatic value of biblical truth in our lives, ministries and community, we will gain a hearing,” he explains.

This book serves not only as a defense for biblical authority, but an encouragement for spending time daily with the living God in his word. As Denison states: “The Bible–you truly can believe it. Let it change your life.”

Jane Wilson, youth specialist

BGCT Bible Study/Discipleship Team


News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.