2006 Archives
Texas Baptist Forum
Posted: 2/3/06
Texas Baptist Forum
Worshipping worship
Baptists, do some discerning. We’ve left our first love and followed after the things of the world. More of our churches are worshipping the worship, entertaining the eyes, the flesh, and allowing Hollywood to dictate how sinners are drawn into the church.
• Jump to online-only letters below Letters are welcomed. Send them to marvknox@baptiststandard.com; 250 words maximum. “If as a film company we could only work with people who were completely sanctified, then the film would never have been made.”
Producers of End of the Spear
The new movie about American missionaries and tribesmen of Ecuador received criticism from some Christians because lead actor Chad Allen is gay. (ABP)
“Faith in Christ isn’t just about waiting for him to take you to the promised land at the end of time. It’s also about being his steward on Earth during your life until such time.”
Susan Pace Hamill
Tax expert at the University of Alabama law school, who wrote a biblical interpretation of Alabama’s tax code during her studies at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham. (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution/RNS)
“A multilingual church is harder than work. Sometimes, it’s pure hell. Everybody walks around offended sometime. (And) I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
Ramiro Peña
Pastor of Christ the King Baptist Church in Waco, whose composition is 35 percent Anglo, 50 percent Hispanic, 15 percent African-American “and some wonderful Asians,” testifying on behalf of multiracial churches at a workshop sponsored by Mission Waco
We’re to go into the world and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We’re not to conform our worship services to worldliness in order to entertain the sinner into heaven or satisfy the converted into a lifestyle of compromise, lazily allowing a Hollywood movie to somehow bring people to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
If Disney has made inroads into the Baptists through a fable of pagan creatures, witches and a four-footed beast and has modern Christian culture going ga-ga over the fact that “its” movie has made it to the big screen and churches can celebrate “Narnia Nights” in the holy place of God, built for a Holy God’s worship, then, indeed, we are in the last days.
02/04/2006 - By John Rutledge