Posted: 8/04/06
Mexico vision trips slated
By John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
The Baptist General Convention of Texas is sponsoring “vision trips” for Texas Baptists interested in ministry to indigenous people groups in Mexico.
Dexton Shores, director of BGCT’s Border/Mexico Missions, will lead a series of trips throughout Mexico starting Aug. 14. Texas Baptist leaders will visit indigenous groups to ascertain ministry possibilities.
Each group has been identified by the National Baptist Convention of Mexico as a strategic place where ministry needs to be strengthened, Shores said. Mexican Baptists are sharing the gospel with these people groups, but their outreach is limited. Texas Baptists hope to enlarge the ministry of local Christians.
“We’re not starting anything but building off of what’s already there and working with Mexican leaders,” he said.
Shores hopes churches will partner to adopt a people group. English-speaking congregations can team with Spanish-speaking churches to effectively communicate and minister in Mexico, he noted.
These trips are crucial to churches who want to minister to these groups, Shores continued.
“Texas Baptists are never going to capture the vision until they see the need,” he said. “By meeting the leaders and hearing their vision and their burden for sharing the gospel, Texas Baptists will know how they can best join with Mexican Baptists to expand God’s kingdom.”
For more information about these trips, visit riverministry or call (888) 244-9400.
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