Posted: 4/04/06
Family Bible Series for April 16
Celebrate the resurrection of Christ
• Luke 24:5-8, 36-48
By Greg Ammons
First Baptist Church, Garland
What a wonderful day! I always eagerly anticipate the worship services each Easter Sunday morning. The day always has a special significance.
On this special day, I wonder if that first Easter morning was much like the one I experience now. It appeared to be an average morning when the women went to the tomb to pay their respect to a friend. When they arrived, they received the most wonderful news the world has heard. Jesus is risen!
This wonderful news was not limited just to the women at the tomb. Jesus’ followers are to make the same declaration to everyone today. Because of Jesus’ resurrection, we have good news to tell.
Jesus is alive (Luke 24:5-8)
Very early on Easter morning, certain women took spices to anoint the body of Jesus at his tomb. They were surprised to find the stone rolled away and Jesus not there. Suddenly, two angels appeared to the women and asked a probing question. “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here. He is risen” (23:5-6).
The angels then reminded the women Jesus had spoken with them earlier about this scenario. They remembered the words of the Lord proclaiming he would be raised on the third day.
It is an exciting revelation when you discover Jesus truly is alive. He is the only Savior of the world and his claims are true. Have you discovered this truth and joy? We can know with certainty that Jesus is alive. It is the most important truth a person can embrace. It also is good news to share with others.
A Christian missionary told of a Muslim convert to Christianity whom he knew in Africa. Someone asked the convert why he decided to convert from Islam to Christianity. The African responded: “Suppose you are traveling down a road and the road forks. Located at the fork in the road are two men, one is alive and the other man is dead. Which man do you ask for directions as to which way to go?” The fact of the resurrection distinguishes Christianity from other religions.
Jesus provides peace (Luke 24:36-43)
The disciples were trying to make sense of the news they had heard of Jesus’ resurrection when suddenly he appeared before them. The first words from his lips were, “peace be with you” (v. 36). Obviously, the disciples were frightened. Yet Jesus assured his followers and encouraged them to see and touch his hands and feet (vv. 38-39). The disciples had witnessed these same hands and feet pierced with nails. Now, they viewed them again on their risen Savior.
Next, Jesus asked his followers if they had anything to eat (v. 41). They gave him a piece of broiled fish and he ate it in their presence (vv. 42-43).
A comforting assurance Jesus gives his followers today is one of peace. Jesus provides us peace as we trust him. Yet, peace is not simply the absence of trouble; rather, it is the presence of God in the midst of it. The disciples were still fearful and faced daunting circumstances, but the assurance that Jesus was alive brought them peace.
Matthew Henry was a Presbyterian minister in England in the late 1600s. His family faced hardship when he was growing up, and later he gave up studying law to enter the ministry. Henry once stated: “Possessing peace is like possessing a precious jewel. I would give anything for it, except truth.”
Jesus fulfills Scripture (Luke 24:44-48)
Jesus reminded his disciples he had told them earlier what would happen in Jerusalem. He pointed them to the prophecies from Scripture about his death and resurrection (v. 44). Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures (v. 45). “This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day" (v. 46). He was quoting both the psalmist and the prophet Isaiah.
The purpose of the prophecy’s fulfillment Jesus stated was that repentance and forgiveness of sins would be preached in his name (v. 47). The disciples were witnesses of these events and were to share the good news with others (v. 48).
The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies. George Sweeting asserted he believed more than one fourth of the entire Old Testament was prophetic. Jesus fulfilled each prophecy about the Messiah to come.
Just as the first arrival of Jesus was prophesied, so is his second coming. We can know with assurance Jesus will return to earth again. For each biblical prophecy of Jesus’ first advent, there are approximately eight prophecies of his second coming. Praise God for a Savior who keeps his promises. It truly is good news to share.
Discussion questions
• Which portion of the resurrection story excites you the most?
• Do you experience true peace in your daily life?
• Do you find it easy or difficult to share the good news of the resurrection?
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