Church bulletin errors tickle the funny bone

Posted: 1/06/06

Church bulletin errors tickle the funny bone

By Heather Horiuchi

Religion News Service

WASHINGTON (RNS)–It has long been said that to err is human. But to forgive mistakes in church bulletins may be divine.

If lists of church bloopers are an accurate indication, the need for forgiveness is great. The unintended funnies, often passed around on the Internet, give the spiritually minded an excuse to let loose with a belly laugh.

"Things are so solemn, grave and violent, we need to lighten up," said Cal Samra, editor of the Joyful Noiseletter, a Portage, Mich., publication that collects unfortunate typos that find themselves in church pews.

Bloopers he prints have been verified as authentic, Samra said. However, certain identifying factors occasionally are omitted to prevent potentially embarrassing situations from being made public.

Here is a sampling:

“The church had a going-away party for the pastor. The congregation was anxious to give him a little momentum.”

bluebull “John Smith, ordained as a deamon, will pastor two churches in Fannin County.”

bluebull “We will have a special holiday bingo and dinner on Monday evening. You will be given two bingo packs, which cover all games played, and your choice of children or roast beef for dinner.”

bluebull “Please drop off diapers, size 3, at the Saint Raphael's parish office during regular office hours for Sister Jane.”

Britain's biggest online Christian magazine,, regularly posts "the 10 most recent gaffes, blunders and Freudian slips from sermons, prayers and church newsletters, as seen and heard by our readers."

It adds, “All painful examples are gratefully received.”

The website discovered that British churchgoers at one congregation were invited to “prayer and medication” while another invited attendees to socialize over “coffee and mice pies.”

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