Storylist for 1/10 issue_11005

Storylist for 1/10/05 issue

Texas       • Baptists      
Faith       • Departments      • Opinion       • Bible Study     

Texas Baptists join worldwide Tsunami relief response

How to give to tsunami relief

Buckner, CBF Volunteers Celebrate With Orphans

Kenya shoe distribution marks last step for 2004 Shoes for Orphan Souls drive

Baptist Standard has a new look

BGCT president's tenure already bearing fruit

Campbell remembered as compassionate, visionary leader

Texas Tidbits

Texas volunteers seek to rescue villagers from arsenic in water

Hunger, malnutrition kill 5 million children a year

'20-somethings' follow own path to faith

Antiphony Conference challenges students with a call to ministry

Previously posted
More young adults waiting longer to get married

Expressing faith through visual images

Operation Inasmuch prompts ministry to the 'least of these'

Quilts for Moldova a labor of love for volunteers

Previously posted
Baylor social work staff stitches gift for orphans

Ministry offers peace to people with HIVAIDS

2004 left America seeing red, observers say

Religion in film pushes boundaries, finds receptive market

Arkansas ruling overturns ban on gay foster parents

Church-state issues will remain prominent in new Congress

Supreme Court set to hear two cases on display of Commandments

Faith-based Initiatives plan will continue in Bush second term

Reggie White, NFL star and minister, dies

Previously posted
Suit would prevent teaching of 'intelligent design'

Study reveals declining Southern Baptist churches

Baptist Briefs

CBF check will help start churches

Tennessee Baptist named President of Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Previously posted
Former seminary president Honeycutt dies at 78

Sullivan praised as denominational statesman

Author explores ways comic books shape character

Churchgoers eat more veggies

Book Reviews: “Safe Haven Marriage,” “Imperial Hubris” and more

Around the State

On the Move


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EDITORIAL: So, how could a good God allow …

DOWN HOME: New look reflects change in direction

TOGETHER: Find something you can do, & do it

2nd Opinion: Ultimate disaster Life without Christ

Texas Baptist Forum

Cybercolumn by John Duncan: Hope abounds

Cybercolumn by Brett Younger: Leave the lights on

Cybercolumn by Berry D. Simpson: Cold and safe

BaptistWay Bible Series for Jan. 9: Jesus chooses his disciples

LifeWay Family Bible Series for Jan. 9: Purity is difficult, but it also is required

LifeWay Explore the Bible Series for Jan. 9: Humility is the starting point for prayer

LifeWay BaptistWay Bible Series for Jan. 16: Disciples of Christ should expect opposition

LifeWay Family Bible Series for Jan. 16: All life is to be valued as a creation of God

LifeWay Explore the Bible Series for Jan. 16: There is a place for everyone in God's family

See articles from previous issue 12/20/04 here.