2003 Archives
Posted: 6/27/03
Paige Patterson in his own wordsPaige Patterson, who soon will return to Texas as president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, burst into national prominence in 1979 when he teamed with Paul Pressler to organize ultra-conservatives to control the Southern Baptist Convention. Below is a review of some of Patterson's more notable quotes as recorded in the pages of the Baptist Standard. The dates given are dates the quotes were published in the Standard.
May 9, 1979:
Paige Patterson confirms to Baptist Standard Editor Presnall Wood that he and Paul Pressler attended meetings in at least 15 states aimed at gaining control of the Southern Baptist Convention presidency for the cause of “biblical inerrancy.” Patterson characterized the meetings as not a radical departure from the procedure previously followed in electing SBC presidents–“unique but not different,” he said.
May 30, 1979:
Patterson said he is “thrilled beyond any possible way of expressing it that the six seminary presidents have reaffirmed their full faith in the infallibility and inerrancy of the Scripture and that they assure us that this is true of their faculties also.” His statement was made in response to a news conference held by the six SBC seminary presidents to respond to Patterson and other critics of the seminaries.
See related articles:
Patterson elected unanimously to lead SouthwesternJune 20, 1979:
07/02/2003 - By John Rutledge