Baptist Standard Digital Archive

The Baptist Standard digital archive makes available to a global audience the print archive—covering more than 120 years—of the historic newspaper by that name. The searchable archive will be an invaluable tool for researching religious, denominational, cultural, political, social and other history, and a literary treasure for individuals and churches who have long enjoyed reading the Baptist Standard.

The physical archive is accessible in two places—Baylor University Libraries and the Texas Baptist Historical Collection—both in Waco, Texas, with the Texas Baptist Historical Collection holding the only complete record.

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The Baptist Standard’s beginnings go back to 1888, though it was published under that masthead for the first time on Mar. 3, 1892. J.B. Cranfill, who once ran as a Prohibition Party candidate for vice president of the United States, was the editor of the privately owned paper. The Standard was to be a “peace paper” to further the work of Texas Baptists, namely the Baptist General Convention. 

In 1915, the Standard was incorporated as a nonprofit by the Baptist General Convention of Texas. During its first 100 years, editors included persons of note in Baptist history, such as J.B. Gambrell, J. Frank Norris and E.S. James. James once met with President John F. Kennedy in the Oval Office.

The printed paper ceased in December 2012, at which time the Standard became fully digital,
publishing news, opinion and resources online throughout each week.
CommonCall Magazine is a quarterly print publication of Baptist Standard Publishing, carrying special features and human interest stories.

A Note of Thanks:

The Baptist Standard digital archive was made possible through the collaboration of the Standard, the Baptist General Convention of Texas, the Texas Baptist Historical Collection and Baylor University Libraries.

Completion of the project is made possible by the generosity of an anonymous donor.

Copyright Information

Baptist Standard Publishing maintains copyright for all content within the Baptist Standard digital archive. For permission to republish content from the archive, email Baptist Standard staff at

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